love grows

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*So seems you gays like the Story so I will definetly continue. I just dont know how often I will update. I decided to write as many chapters as I can when im motivated because it will be hard to update because school begins in 1 week and it will be hard for me but I promise that I will try to update once a week.*

*Cates view*

Its early in the morning and I wake up to my beautiful sleeping lover. I decide to get up and take a walk to her favourite bakery after I leave a note.

Good morning love Im just getting us some breakfeast I wil be back soon :3. 

I brush my teeth and just put a coat over my pijamas that I am now wearing. I enjoy the wind going through my hair while thinking.

What is going on with y/n. My poor girl is in pain and I cant help her. Will therapy help. Will it be enough to cure the pain I cant cure. She shouldnt be in pain she doesnt deserve it.

I arrive at the bakery that stops me from thinking. I get all y/n favourite things and mine too and go back to our hotel. 

I open the door and hear y/n snorring. I couldnt help it and giggle. I prepare the table and went waking up y/n. 

She is laying on her back with her arm over her eyes probably because of the light coming through the curtains.I kiss her forehead.

"Good morning babe"


"wake up"

"5 minutes"

"No honey tomorrow we have work again so today we will take the day to talk about you."

"Good night"

"c'mon sweetheart"

"hmm" she doesnt move a bit so I sit on top of her and start to tickle her.

"no Cate Nooo stop ahhhh" she starts laughing. She sits up and looks me in the eyes.

"I love you" as I want to kiss her she pushes me down from her and starts running into the living room.

"heyy" I call after her. She now lays on the couch.

"Now let me sleep"

"that was mean" I say as I walk towards her.

"you know if you dont want to walk then I will just shower by myself and eat all the food alone.

As I walk away she jumps on my back I almost loose my balance. 

"okayyyy im coming"

~They had fun and the filming time went past fast. Y/n went to therapy and got pills she was feeling better (well she wasnt but she smiled through the day and Cate made her happy so she mostly forgot about her pain) and their love grew from day to day. everything went perfect to perfect....~

They where now back home from Spain and the kids love y/n and edith calls her mommy. Y/n stays at Cates home most of the time. 

Its early in the morning and im sitting in our backyard while I see y/n playing with Edith running after her. She catches Edith, picks her up and tickles her. 

"Now its your turn mommy" I see y/n running away from Edith. This is what I always wanted. A happy family. Before my eyes could fill with tears I hear Edith.

"Mom help me catch mommyyyyy pleaseeeeeeeeee" so I stand up and run after y/n. I catch her from behind with my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek over her shoulder. 

"hey that wasnt fair" y/n said.

"well you didnt let Edith catch you so I had to" I say with another kiss on her cheek.

"idiot" she says while turning around.

"I love you too" I answer laughing and kiss her.

"ewwww" Edith wass covering her eyes with her hands.

"tickle attack?" y/n asks looking at me.

"Nooo pleasee" Edith begs already laughing.

"yes"I answer so we bouth run after her.

*y/n view*

I love this family and everything makes me happy but I live like a loaded battery everyday the happiness has its limits and after the battery is empty I have to pretend or I mostly go to sleep. The pills arent helping against my depression and I hate it because I truly am happy but this fucking depression is annoying. 

Its late and the younger kids are already sleeping and im playing playstation with dashiell because I want to bond with him a bit more and to be honest I like playing too.

"enough playstation for today its late and you kids are loud"

"mom please im 19 i can decide for myself"

"yes you can but you are too loud and I want my girlfriend for myself and im pretty sure you dont want that I explain why in detail"

"CATE" "MOM" Dashiell and I said at the same time. I blushed and Dashiell was already turning the playstation off. 

"Just remember I am still awake" Dashiell said while going up the stairs.

"Oh and y/n"


"youre cool and good at playing"

"Thank you so are you" I say and blush because im happy that he accepts me I mean he already did but to know that he likes me is even better. When he was gone I turned to Cate.

"You really cant stop huh?"

"nah not when you are around its hard to act like I dont want to rip your clothes of you"

"you know I like how sweet you act around the kids I mean I also like your dominant side but you know"

"Sweetie am I to harsh with you?" She asks concerned.

"No and you know that I sometimes like it rough so I dont care just know I love you in every way possible"

"Oh honey I love you too but you know what I love even more?"


"you without your clothes on" she pushes me against the wall and we start kissing with in between giggles and moans. Her phone starts ringing.

"damn it"

"its okay take the call it could be important"

she takes the call and her face suddenly looks like she has seen a ghost and she has tears in her eyes and starts shaking.

*So again not a long chapter but since you seem to like the story I wanted to post as soon as possible. Who do you think called and what has happened?*

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