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Harry’s P.O.V.

            I was nine when I was put in the orphanage. No parents, no siblings, no relatives. I was alone. The schedule was strict on weekdays. Wake up at 8:00, eat at 8:15, school from 9:00-4:00 with a break for lunch, dinner at 5:00, recreation from 6:00-8:00, bed time prayer groups at 8:15, and then in bed by 9:00. My days were bland. Uneventful. Most of the other kids had friends and spent recreation time playing or running around, making the nuns chase them across the wooden floor boards. But not me. I hid in the corner, not talking to anyone. One of the nuns, Sister Kate, looked after me though, and made sure that no one bullied me too badly. She was the closest thing I had to family anymore.

            Then, when I turned eleven, a new boy came to the orphanage. He was eleven too, had brown feathery hair, and a habit of wearing stripes. All of the other boys picked on him. It was an orphanage for only boys, which made everything more violent and worse. I thought since he got picked on too, we could be friends. I remember the day I first talked to him like it was yesterday.

            “I’m Harry,” I said, sitting next to the striped boy who was curled up in the corner, his eyes red from crying. He wiped his face and sat up straighter. Like he was trying to act all strong and tough, even though it was obvious he wasn't.

            “Louis,” He introduced himself. I nodded and scooted closer to him, so our bodies were touching, hoping he may find some comfort in it.

            “You think we could be friends?” I asked, being still very young and naïve. Louis just smiled at me and nodded, like it was the best thing he had heard in a long time.

            “I think so,” He said, putting his hand on my shoulder, “And we’ll look after each other, like brothers?”

            I nodded vigorously, excited to finally have someone, “Yes,”

            “I think I would like that,”

            Then we hugged.

            Ever since then, Louis and I have been inseparable. Later that year another eleven year-old came to the orphanage. His name was Liam, and he had a terrible stutter, making it so he barely ever spoke to anyone, unless it was absolutely necessary. I felt bad for Liam, really bad. He didn’t ask to have a speech problem. But because of it, he got bullied even more than me and Louis. However, with three of us, we now stood a chance fighting away bullies.

            When we were twelve, Niall came, all the way from Ireland. It was in his parent’s will that he be sent here if they died. Niall didn’t know why, but he says he’s glad to be here. He’s glad to have met us. We were all seventeen now except little Nialler, who is a two years younger than the rest of us. We are one year away from being able to leave this hell-hole for good. And once we are out, we are going to 'adopt' Niall so he doesn't have to live here on his own.

            Little did we know, we were soon to have another addition to our little group of friends.


What do you guys think?

This was a random idea I got....

For the purpose of the story, they will all be the same age, okay? (except Niall, because I had a request to make him the youngest, which is fucking adorable...)

Alright, anyway...




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