Chapter 10 - Kiss Me

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Harry’s P.O.V.

5:12 p.m.—Tuesday—January 15, 2013

            It continued like that for a whole week. Zayn carrying Liam to his bed, and sleeping with his arms wrapped around him. Don’t get me wrong, I like Zayn, a lot, and was glad he came to St. Xavier’s, honest, I was. But this was too far. I warned Zayn what could happen. I had a bad feeling. What if someone found out? Liam couldn’t take any more ridicule, any more people poking fun at him. He needed to keep his sexuality a secret, until we got out of here.

            Trust me, I was counting the days.

            Because of the way the orphanage works, we will all get out on the same day, because we all celebrate out birthdays together—a lot of us don’t even know our true birthdays. So, in the middle of August, we will finally be free. Out of here. Into the world, together. With our money we had, we could buy an apartment or house big enough for all of us, and live together until we figured out what to do with our lives. I could see it now. The vision floated in the back of my head constantly. The five of us, happy, together, safe, warm. But most of all, free.

            I knew that Liam had to wait, and hide who he was until we were free. They wouldn’t accept him here, and I couldn’t see him go through anymore pain or heartbreak. The poor boy had been through enough. But I had done all I could think of doing. I had confronted Zayn, and he brushed it off like it was no big deal. So now, all I could do is wait and hope.

            Hope that they wouldn’t get caught.

            It was dinner time, and Ed was sitting with us now—it had become a regular thing. I really like his company, and I was surprised that he hadn’t joined our group of friends before. I think he shipped Zayn and Liam hard, because he always smiled when they held hands or sat really close to one another.

            “Hazza,” Louis sang from beside me, “Hazza, Harry, Curly Bear,” 

            I chuckled and ran my hands through his brown hair, smiling at him. He smiled back and then returned to his dinner, taking a bite of his fruit salad. Liam and Zayn were at the other end of the table, to engulfed in each other to notice anyone else. Liam talked to Zayn a lot.

            It made me jealous.

            No matter how much I had tried, Liam was always quiet, held back around me. But suddenly Zayn comes along, and just like that, he talks? The worst part is, he still barely talks to me. He only talks to Zayn. It kills me a bit inside, but I try to let it slide. I am just too happy that he finally has found someone he can relate to. Someone that makes him feel happy, and warm, and safe.

            “The project for English is due tomorrow,” Louis said, then he turned to Ed, “Are you done with yours?”

            “Yup,” Ed smiled, pushing the ginger hair out of his eyes, “Zayn and I finished two days ago,”

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