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This is it.

Don't cry....don't cry.....



            Liam was happy. Zayn was happy. In fact, everyone in the Watson household was the absolute definition of bliss. Liam and Zayn rarely left each other’s sides, and made sure that no matter what they would always stay together, even when they fought—which occurred very rarely. Niall and Josh decided that they needed to make their relationship official, and came out during a family barbeque, much to Mr. and Mrs. Watson’s surprise, and pleasure. Because, what was better than having four gay adopted sons?

            School was a little hard for Liam at first, but Zayn watched over him like and hawk. Zayn had been to public school and knew how it worked, he also made sure that Liam never had to face a bully alone. The six of them became inseparable, as if what had happened at St. Xavier’s had bonded them for life. Maybe they didn’t even notice it themselves, but those days cooped up in those wooden walls had defined them. Made them the people they are today. For the worse of the better, I can’t tell you. But I do know, that none of them would change a thing.

            Liam also started attending a speech class, which Zayn accompanied him to every week. Day by day, Liam stutter was improving. And it made Zayn the happiest person in the world, watching Liam say something without stuttering and smile, lighting up his entire world

            A few months later, Zayn wasn’t even at all surprised when he found Harry and Louis sleeping naked together in bed, completely worn out and smelling of sex. In fact, it was almost as if he expected it all along.     

            But no matter which way you looked at it, life was better for the boys.

            Liam had Zayn, and Zayn had Liam.

            And Liam knew that it was all he would ever need to be okay. He had his guardian angel.

            The boys had risen up from destruction, pain, and ruin, no living in the lap of luxury. Mr. and Mrs. Watson really did love them, and proved it to them every day.

            Maybe it was fate.

            Maybe it was luck.

            All Zayn knew is that life had gone in a very unexpected direction.

            And he loved every second of it.


Honestly, I love you all.

This has been amazing.

Absolutely amazing.

I have really enjoyed writing this, and I really hope that you guys enjoyed reading it.

Thanks for all of the comments, and just....everything.

Keep an eye out for future Ziam fics, becuase, trust me, there is plenty to come.


Thanks again, lovely readers.

One last time....


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