Chapter 12 - They Know About Us

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Zayn’s P.O.V.

            I don’t think I have ever seen Liam happier. That night was by far the best night we have ever spent together. We were so free when we were away from St. Xavier’s. I felt like Liam and I were able to be boyfriends, completely and utterly in love.

            After dinner, as we made our way back to the orphanage, he hopped on my back, and I gave him a piggy back ride. He giggled like a little kid, completely enjoying this time for ourselves. When the orphanage came back into sight, Harry shot me this look. I knew what he was thinking. I needed to set Liam down now. But so what if one of the nuns saw me giving a piggy back to Liam? There was no big deal about that, right? So I left Liam be, because he seemed to be having a really good time. As soon as we stepped into the building thoughm Harry grabbed Liam and pulled him from my back.

            “You can walk now,” Harry muttered. Liam looked shocked and hurt by Harry’s words, but Harry didn’t care. He just marched up the stairs with Louis and Niall.

            Tears welled up in Liam eyes.

            “No, no, baby, no tears,” I said, wiping the few scattered tears from Liam’s cheeks, “Don’t cry. This night has been too amazing. Don’t cry, babe, shh,”

            Liam nodded, and tried to calm himself down, throwing himself into my body.

            And that’s when I saw Griffin.

            He was standing a few feet away, wearing a nasty grin on his face. I didn’t want to worry Liam, so I didn’t say anything aloud. I just mouthed the words, “Don’t say a word,” To Griffin, hoping that for once he would give us some mercy. And he did. He walked away without saying anything. It turns out, that him just walking away worried me even more. He must be planning something.

            A bell rung out over the building.

            “Prayer Group Time,” A high pitched voice called over the Public Announcement System. Liam and I began to mosey up the steps and towards the small room for prayer time. The prayer groups were the same group of people we shared a dormitory with, so Ed, Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis, Griffin, and the others from our room were all there, along with Sister Lynn, the leader of our prayer time.

            “Alright have a seat, let’s get started and try to get in bed early tonight,” Sister Lynn said calmly, flattening out her black skirt. I sat next to Liam, the gap in between us making me feel cold. Harry sat on my other side. “Let’s go around and say one thing that we are thankful for from today, and something we are sorry about,”

            It went pretty smoothly, until it got to Liam. Sister Lynn was pretty understanding about Liam’s stutter, and gave him plenty of time.

            “I-I’m t-thankful for the t-t-time I-I got t-t-to spend w-with m-my friends t-today,” Liam said, clasping his hands tightly together in his lap.

            “Very good Liam,” Sister Lynn said, “And now, something that you are sorry for?”

            Before Liam could form words, Griffin spoke up, “He’s sorry for being a gay faggot,”

            A cold and painful silence hit the room, and Sister Lynn’s face went blank in confusion, “Griffin, please, it is not your turn, and making false accusations is a very ba--”

            “I’m not making a false accusation,” Griffin interrupter her, “See for yourself,”

            Griffin pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, and as he handed it to Sister Lynn, I caught a glimpse of it. It was a picture. A picture of Liam kissing me on the cheek. My heart began to pound, and Liam began to shake in the seat beside me. I wanted to reach out and comfort him, but I knew that it wouldn’t help us out in this situation.

            Sister Lynn didn’t seem to know what to do or say. She just sat there, staring at the piece of paper finally pulling words from her mouth, “Liam, is this true?”

            Liam didn’t answer, but I saw tears beginning to form in his eyes.

            “I am afraid we must cut prayer group short today,” Sister Lynn said, standing up and pushing her chair back, making it squeal against the floor boards, “Liam, please come with me, immediately,”

            “No!” I shouted, jumping in front of Liam, “It was my fault. I forced him to kiss my cheek. I’m the gay one, not him,”

            “I’m afraid that you have no evidence of that, Mr. Malik. If you can come up with evidence as good as Griffin’s, then perhaps I will make an exception,”

            I couldn’t. I didn’t have that evidence.

            “Well, why don’t I get punished too?” I asked, not wanted Liam to face this alone.

            “You are not kissing him, it is quite clear that he is kissing you,” She said, “Now, please, Mr. Malik, have a seat and stop trying to take the blame for this,”

            Then she drug a crying Liam out of the room. This is my fault. What have I done?
            “You fucking twat!” Harry yelled from behind me. I turned just in enough time to see his fist connect with my face. I felt to the ground, not planning on hurting Harry. I deserved this. “I told you not to! I warned you! This is your fault!” he yelled louder and louder, hitting me over and over, black spots covering my vision. Then I felt a pain in my gut, and then my lungs, and pressure was being applied. “I warned you,” Harry said, finally leaving me alone to writhe on the floor in pain.

            What have I done?


Sorry that this is kind of short.

Anyway, what do you guys think?

What will happen to Liam?





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