Chapter 11 - Into Town Again

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Zayn’s P.O.V.

4:02 p.m.—Friday—January 18, 2013

Life has been going pretty well, considering I originally thought my life in this place would be living hell. Everything was actually okay, and I was pretty happy here, as long as I didn’t think about my old life too much, or my parents. I had Liam, which was everything I could ever have wanted. Being with Liam—whether we could call each other boyfriend or not—was still amazing. He made me feel needed. Liam needed a protector, and here I was, more than willing to risk everything to save him. He deserved a good life, and that’s what I was going to give him.

“How was class?” I asked Liam as we walked from the classroom together. Harry and Louis trailed behind us. We were headed to Niall’s class to pick him up.

“F-Fine,” He mumbled, clutching his books closer to his chest.

“Hey, babe, look at me,” I said, realizing that something was wrong, “What is it?”

He just shook his head and kept walking, leaving me behind. I tilted my head in confusion and then ran after him, reaching out and grabbing his wrist gently. He turned back to me, biting his lip.

“What’s going on?” I asked, needing to know what was running through his head. Liam always had a hard time speaking his thoughts and feelings. Most of the time I had to coax them out of him. This time was no exception.

“I-I t-t-think G-G-G-G….” He couldn’t finish his sentence. My eyebrows knitted together in concern. I thought his stutter had been improving lately, but all of the sudden, he couldn’t even finish his sentence around me.

“Shh,” I cooed, running my hands through his hair, “Calm down and try again, love,”

He took a deep breath, digging his teeth more and more into his bottom lip. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak again.

“I-I t-think, I t-think that G-Griffin k-knows about u-u-us,” He mumbled uneasily, his large brown eyes searching mine for help, support, anything I could give him. My arms wrapped around his body immediately, almost as if it were a reflex now.

“I think you’re right,” I agreed. I knew it was only a matter of time, “But he would tell a soul unless one of us gets him angry, yeah? Let’s just keep our distance from him, and everything will be okay.”

Liam still looked uneasy, but he nodded again and slid his hand into mine, letting me lead him to Niall’s class. Once we picked up the little leprechaun we decided to head into town. It was the beginning of the weekend, and it was pretty nice out for a day in January. We may as well take what we can get. The five of us headed up to our room quickly, grabbing our coats and our money. Liam was still running low, so I headed over to my suitcase to get more money to put into my wallet. I hadn’t been in this suitcase since I first arrived here, the first day. As soon as I opened it, I regretted it. All of my relics from my old life were here. Pictures of my parents, my family that was no longer with me, an old teddy bear, and even a picture of my best friend and I when we were little. My heart tightened in my chest and I forced myself to get a grip. Just don’t think about it, and everything will be okay.

“Ready Zayn?” Harry called from the doorway.

“Yup,” I called back, slamming my suitcase shut after grabbing some more money.

Don’t think about your past Zayn. Don’t think about your past Zayn. Don’t think about your past Zayn. Don’t think about your past Zayn. Don’t think about your past Zayn.

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