❀first meeting❀

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❀ hinata shoyo:

you were walking to school. you were a straight A student. extremely smart, but unfortunately you were short and not very athletic... you were walking to school until a boy with orange hair came and zipped right by you on a bicycle. you were in complete shock as he almost knocked you over. he saw your expression and yelled, "I'M SO SORRY!! I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY!!!" you just stood there and tilted your head to the side, "huh?"

❀ kageyama tobio:

you were walking into the gym, practicing your favorite sport. basketball. (sorry if it isn't basketball, you can change the sport if you want). you were the best on the team, you carried because you were cool like that i guess. after everyone left from practice one day, you decided to stay back. you were doing a bunch of cool moves and was about to take a shot, until a very tall boy had walked in. you were startled and thought it was the principal, so when you looked up, you threw the ball backwards, causing you to fall on your ankle. you were on the floor rubbing it, but the boy walks up to you and asks if you're ok. he then helps you up and brings you to the bleachers and says, "you ok? my name is kageyama tobio. you're so stupid for falling, but anyways, what's your name?" you were embarrassed because you fell right in front of him, so while blushing you said, "y/n l/n, and um, thanks for helping me!" with a small smile.

❀ nishinoya yuu:

you were an athletic girl, but you were only 5'0 feet tall, (sorry if ur taller lmao). so unfortunately, people made fun of you, and guys tried to hit on you because, for multiple reasons, you were independent, strong, and beautiful who was basically a goddess, so all the guys liked you, even the perverts....(fuck men ngl). so you were walking through the halls and you were late so you were sprinting for your life, but ran into someone. it was a tall third year boy and he pushed you towards a wall, "hey there beautiful, what's your name would you come to my house?" you being the strong willed person you are retorted, "no i would rather spend time together with a person who isn't a perv and who isn't a simple and stupid minded person which you are. so I am afraid I cannot stay with you. also you reek of trash and alcohol and not only do you look, disgusting your face really needs help. so if you don't mind I would get out of my way or I will punch you, after all I am the captain of the girls *insert sport* team and you wouldn't want to mess with me." you said this with an innocent closed eye smile and started to walk away but he stopped you and pinned you to the wall again. but before he could do anything else, a short boy with brown hair with a blonde streak exclaimed, "hey, leave her alone. i am friends with the tall giant, you know asahi, so if you don't want to mess with him you should let her go." the third year boy was stunned so you kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and you watched him slither away like the coward he is. you looked towards the slightly taller male, "i could have taken care of him myself you know." he shot you a bright smile and said, "well you looked like you needed help so i helped you. the name is nishinoya yuu. what's yours?" "y/n l/n." with that you winked and walked to your class.

(sorry this is long lmao)

❀ sugawara koushi:

you are an adorable little third year with an amazing talent for painting and drawing. your artwork often went up for competitions for your school, karasuno. you were painting one day in a small room secluded away from other classrooms. You were painting peacefully until a knock came to the door. "come in!" A boy with grey hair and brown eyes with a beauty mark on the bottom of his left eye greeted you, "sorry for my intrusion but I have a note for um, y/n l/n, is she in this room at all or do you know her? a teacher said to come here so..." he chuckled and rubbed his neck. you smiled and said, "the girl you're looking for is right here!" you raised your hand and smiled. "oh i'm sorry! i feel so dumb for not knowing, anyway here's the note. also your painting looks marvelous!" suga gave you the note and walked out. but before he left he said, "my name is sugawara koushi by the way!" he then left you alone in the room to continue painting.

❀ oikawa tooru:

you were in the gym practicing some serves and sets. you were the setter for the girls team at aoba johsai. you were the best of the best, queen of all queens. perfect form and you had a perfect body too, (everyone has a beautiful body no matter what >-<). everyone could see you had talent and a beautiful body. you just performed a perfect jump serve and slammed the ball to the ground. you caught your breath and heard clapping. "oooo, good job. that's one of the best serves i've ever seen." this person walks up to you, "i'm oikawa tooru, and you're the setter of the girls volleyball team? and your name is...?" "y/n l/n and you are the setter and captain of the boys volleyball team correct?" "yup!" as he popped the "p". with a wink he walked away. you smiled and rolled your eyes. you whispered to yourself, "hah, what a flirt."

❀ kuroo tetsurou:

you were a high school student attending the prestigious, nekoma high school. a smart, hilarious, and athletic girl. you were walking in the halls when you ran into someone twice your size. he was at least 6'0 feet tall and was quite muscular, as you ran into his chest, (yo imagine that happening...), he had messy black hair and sharp eyes. you thought he was the captain of the boys volleyball team, after all, you are the captain of the girls volleyball team. he stood up straight and looked even taller than before and helped you up after you fell. "oh, are you ok? sorry i wasn't paying attention. my name is kuroo tetsuro." you smiled and said, "it's alright it was my fault as well for not paying attention. my name is y/n l/n and i'm the captain of the girls volleyball team. Nice to meet you kuroo, but I have to go now! i'lll see you around!" he waved as you ran off and smiled to himself.

❀ kenma kozume:

you were at the game shop looking for a new game. you had a lot of talent for sports and you were always athletic, but you preferred to play video games instead. You were looking for a nintendo switch game, but when you got there, they were all gone and you saw a boy with a nekoma jacket with hair that looked like pudding grab one at the last second. he looked at you and said, "do you want it?" You shook your head and said, "it's alright you can have it, but thank you anyway!" you smiled sadly and walked away. you were actually really disappointed and decided to leave. you were about to walk out the door, but something hit your head. "owww, the hell was that." you looked around angrily, but no one was there and saw it was the game you wanted. you had guessed the pudding boy already left or went to look at some other games, but he bought you the game. You smiled and whispered to yourself, "thank you...>///<"

❀ bokuto koutarou:

you were an energetic person. but small, you were always made fun of because of your height. you were skinny too, so people thought you were frail, but you didn't let it bother you. you looked weak, but you were quite tough, so you didn't let anybody get through your skin. Happily, you were skipping through the halls until some bullies tripped you, but before you could fall someone caught you. He was TALL and muscular af, he also reminded you of an owl. he asked if you were ok and then went to the bullies and said, "hey hey hey, don't try to be mean to other people. it's really rude, so get out of the way." the bullies left right away, running as if a monster was chasing them. he walked over to you with a cheery smile and a totally different personality. it literally did a whole 180, and said, "Hey hey hey!! How are you? Are you ok?? the name's bokuto kotarou!! what's yours??" He said this as if he was shouting across the room, but you easily matched the volume, "hey!!! my name is y/n l/n!! i'm fine and thanks for saving me back there!! well, I have to go so thanks again bokuto!!" you left with a joyful smile on your face.

❀ tendou satori:

you were feeling gloomy because you lost your tennis match so you sat down on one of the benches at your high school, shiratorizawa and sobbed quietly. you heard someone shouting and you looked up you saw that it was a boy with red hair. you saw him before playing volleyball and he was a bit creepy at first, but then you thought he was super cool and attractive. he probably had no idea who you were but you knew who he was, if you remembered correctly his name is tendou something, like satoshi? satomi? he saw you crouched down and walked up to you and said, "hey!!! i saw you play tennis. you were really good even though you lost, you were pretty cool back there!!" you looked up with lazy eyes and said, "i didn't do that good, but thank you, i appreciate it. your name is tendou right?" he smiled and said, "yup that's me! tendou satori!! your name is y/n l/n right? i happened to see it near the tennis court while you were playing, i was walking by and i saw you!" you started to smile. "well anyway, i have to go to my practice see you later y/n!!"


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