❀he asks you out❀

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❀ hinata shoyo:

there was definitely a lot of stuttering and blushing. he came up to you at the end of school and he gave you an adorable stuffed dog and said, "u-um y-y/n, i-i was u-uh wondering, u-um th-thinking if, y-you know would um g-go-out with m-m-me and b-be my girlfriend?" you chuckled at his adorableness and nodded. you took the plush dog and smiled at him, "i would love that."

❀ kageyama tobio:

you were going to the gym to practice with kageyama, but when you got there, there was a cute banner that said "will you go out with me y/n?" it was adorable. when you saw who made the banner, the tall tsundere boy was standing underneath those huge bolded letters and was a complete blushing mess. you walked up to him and replied, "of course tobio!"

❀ nishinoya:

you were getting hit on again and your savior, nishinoya, aka your crush came to help you out. he was all high and mighty, energetic like usual and he blushed at your sweet smile while you thanked him. after school he came up to you. "hey y/n!! can I talk to you for a second? it won't take to long!" he had a box wrapped in beautiful blue paper topped with a white bow. you smiled and nodded, "sure, i'll listen." he took a deep breath, his cheeks flushed. "Y/N, PLEASEGOOUTWITHMEIMBEGGINGYOUIHAVELIKEDYOUSINCETHEFIRSTTIMEISAWYOU!" your eyes widened and you were just blinking. you tilted your head to the side and said, "repeat that again, except slower?" he chuckled and took another deep breath, "okay, y/n please go out with me and be my girlfriend, i've liked you since the first time i saw you, so please accept my feelings, it's totally fine if you don't like me back but i just wanted to let you know." he gave you the gift and you happily accepted it and giggled, "of course nishinoya, i've also liked you for a while now, i accept your feelings." you giggled again and smiled. before he could actually reply to you, he started screaming, "HA HA HA HEAR THAT TANKA I GOT A GIRLFRIEND BEFORE YOU!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

❀ sugawara koushi:

he walked in on you while you were painting and sat down. it was like a routine that you both had, where he came in to watch you after school. you greeted him like always, but he seemed a little more flustered than usual and he was much quieter. after about 10 minutes, he popped the question. "y/n, hey um, i've been thinking about this for a while now, but will you be my girlfriend." you stopped working and put your paint brush down. he quickly responded to your actions, "of course if you don't want to that's fine. i don't want to force you to do anything if you don't want to. I just wanted to let you know that I have liked you for a while. and while this may seem selfish, if you don't reciprocate my feelings, may i still be allowed to like you?" you looked at him and shook your head, "no, that won't be necessary. you see, the thing is, i like you very much too sugawara, i'd love to go out with you." you both smiled and wrapped your arms around each other with much warmth and kindness.

(lol i love being lonely).

❀ oikawa tooru:

you were happily strolling along eating your ice cream until someone suddenly bumped into you. you fell backwards and dropped your beautiful, most precious ice cream. you definitely shot this person a death glare. they were going to pay for messing with your mood. it was a guy. Tall and muscular, not to mention ugly. however, you could care less. when you got angry it meant death for the other person. you picked up your poor ice cream cone and slammed it right into his chest and proceeded to kick him. he growled at you, but you didn't care at all, so you punched his nose and it started to bleed. he was about to punch you when someone stopped him. you gasped, it was your crush, the playboy oikawa. you thought you were going delusional, "is that you trashykawa?" he looked behind him and smiled. he punched the guy in the face and the boy ran away. "didn't know you had it in you to punch someone," he playfully smirked. "well he totally messed with my happy mood, so of course i would beat his ass," you retorted. he smiled back at you then his face became serious, "i was actually going to your house to tell you something but i already found you so i guess i'll ask you here." ask me something? "y/n will you be my girlfriend?" you coughed and flushed red. "that was....unexpected. well, i suppose i'll allow you to go out with the great me." you replied to him. he smiled and bonked you on the head, "yeah, i guess i am lucky to go out with such a beautiful person like you."

❀ kuroo tetsurou:

after your practice in the morning, you took a shower, went to all your classes, and ate just like every other day, but you had hoped something good would happen that day. after school, you went to kuroo's practice and helped clean up afterwards. he walked up to you and said, "i'll walk you to your bus stop, okay?" you nodded and smiled. you two were walking to your bus stop until he just stopped out of nowhere. the bus was coming, so you were about to keep walking, but he held your wrist. "is something wrong?" what you got in return was bitter silence. he just walked closer to you and looked at you. in a low voice he said, "y/n will you go out with me?" you widened your eyes and looked down so your hair was covering your eyes, the bus was almost to the stop and you finally looked up. crying tears of joy you said, "yeah i'll be your girlfriend." he smiled as you waved him goodbye and took a seat on the bus and blushed. you always liked him and you wanted something good to happen. you must have manifested it LOL because this was it. you were happy, more than happy, you were probably going to faint because your dream had just come true. silently sobbing tears of happiness you walked the rest of your way home holding your hands close to your chest and and smiling at the moon that filled the world with light.

a/n: sorry that was like highk so bad

❀ kenma kozume:

as you were walking home, you took out your phone. it had something on it and it said to take out your PSP. you cautiously took out your PSP and opened it, scared for what might happen. you thought someone hacked into your account LMAO. you widened your eyes and your cheeks turned red when you unlocked it. suddenly something or someone knocked on your door. you opened it and it was kenma. while slightly blushing he said, "so, will you go out with me?" he looked down and blushed harder. you smiled and said, "you're so cute!! of course i'll go out with you!" then y'all hugged.

❀ bokuto kotarou:

he was avoiding you for some odd reason and you didn't know why. you were getting a bit worried by this and you went to talk to him. "bokuto, you've been avoiding me and i'm sorry if i ever did anything to you, but if you truly don't wish to talk to me, that's alright." he stood there, his owl eyes even wider. "no no no! that's not why i've been avoiding you! it was because i was nervous being around you, because...well i like you!! so will you go out with me?" now you were the one standing there with huge eyes. you just smiled and nodded he then picked you up on his shoulder and yelled, "HEY HEY HEY!! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND NOW!!"

❀ tendou satori:

people at your school called him a freak, and a monster, even. but he was the kindest person you actually knew and was a wonderful friend. you knew that you liked him, but everyone else loved you. it was like you were the goddess everyone loved and he was the monster everyone was afraid of, but you two liked each other, but of course you didn't know that he liked you LMAO. it was during lunch when he came over to you. you were slightly blushing when he came over. all of your friends gave him a dirty look, but you noticed their behavior and shot them a glare. when he came over, he whispered in your ear and said, "i realize this is sudden, and i know i'm a freak, but I love you y/n, so, please go out with me and be my girlfriend." you widen your eyes and became a bit angry after he backed away. "don't ever say you're a freak to me again. you're not and i love you too, of course I'll be your girlfriend." he gasped a bit after hearing that, but smiled. and then he just had you ditch school with him and took you to an ice cream shop.


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