✿ kita shinsuke catch up ✿

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✿ first meeting ✿

you were walking around your school as a second year and was looking for another club to join. you weren't super athletic, but you were super smart and did everything you could to join as many clubs as you could and do impressive things to get into a very good college. being in a family where you were surrounded by your smart cousins, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, mother and father, you were pressured to be even better than them. your father had taught you algebra in your first year of middle school and read you books you were to read in high school when you were in middle school. finding a good club would be hard, but you also wanted to be in a club where you could be free of your family ties and really just have fun. you came across a loud noise and went near the loud sound. you found yourself in the gym. the bright lights were blinding and the sound of volleyballs being slammed to the ground filled the whole gym. "do you need something?" you snapped out of your dazed state and turned to the voice. he was of average height and had light gray hair that had dark tips at the end. it was slicked down and his golden eyes were very stern and cold. "no, i heard a noise come from the gym so i thought i'd come and see it." he nodded and walked off, but you tilted your head in interest and confusion. he's very stern it seems like. he seems smart too. i wonder if i could talk to him again. not to mention he's very handsome. realizing what you had just thought you slapped your cheeks. THERE IS NO FREAKING WAY I CAN LIKE SOMEONE! IMPOSSIBLE! IT WOULD DISTRACT ME FROM MY STUDIES. NO NO NO NO NOOOO.

✿ becoming friends ✿

after your first encounter and despite your thoughts, you went to visit the gym when you had time. you realized that this unknown handsome stud was in your class, you were just too focused on school to really know anyone. you see twins, a lanky fox looking guy, and a few others. you then spotted the handsome boy. you met eyes and turned around and almost ran out of the gym. "excuse me. what are you doing here? this is the second time you've been here. did you need anything from us? were you planning to be a manager?" this shocked you. a manager... can i actually do something fun? will father allow it? i'm already in three clubs, i might not have enough time... but i want to have fun. just for once in my life. please! i want to be free of this responsibility. "um. actually. will you be willing to let me be a manager?" kita nodded and turned to get a form, but you quickly ask, "what's your name? i know you're in my class, but i don't have any friends or never got to know anyone, so i'm not sure what your name is." he turned back and looked you dead in the eyes. "kita shinsuke. and you're l/n y/n, correct? you are one of the top students of our year, aren't you?" you nod. "wait. aren't you also one of the top students in our year? i remember seeing your name." he nodded and walked off to get your form. as time went by you two became closer, going on study dates, and talking about everything. you became closer to the team and loved them all very much for allowing you to forget about your school duties for a while. you soon came to realize they were the reason for your salvation, more like kita was. if he didn't stop you that day you wouldn't have been able to make so many memories...

✿ asking you out ✿

cute and simple. it was the beginning of your third year and kita had just become the captain. he never played very much and was always watching and practicing. you felt bad you couldn't always be there, but you became much busier with college coming up soon. you were worried about him and how he felt. one day you wanted to talk to him. "hey kita, are you okay?" he turned to you. "yes. i'm fine. why wouldn't i be?" you frowned and sighed. "well you never get to play too much, and you always seem to work so hard during practice, but never really play. are you okay with that? you seem to never take any breaks and i'm worried about your emotional and mental state, as well as your own physical health." "do not worry about me l/n. i'll be fine." he started to walk off but you turned to face him. "HEY! i'm worried you know. you take care of everyone else, but no one else seems to take care of you. you don't even take care of yourself," everyone stopped and looked at you, "stop acting tough kita. you need to take care of yourself. i mean it! if no one is there to help you, then.... i will. you can't do everything by yourself and seeing you like this hurts me." you run to him and hug him. he looked shocked, saddened, and in pain. everyone had their eyes wide open at the scene in front of them. "i'm sorry l/n. i never meant to make you worry. i apologize. i didn't mean to worry anyone else either. i'm honestly okay, but i didn't know you were so worried about me. i'll be more self conscious and take care of myself more, but will you help me? can you support me?" "of course i will!" you cry into his shoulder. he gave a rare small and genuine smile. "then will you go out with me?" you look up at the taller male and almost burst into tears. "of course i will. i promise to take care of you shinsuke." he smiled again and hugged you. "thank you y/n."

✿ first kiss ✿

you two were honestly the school's best couple. you did the cutest things together. you made each other lunch or shared food when the other didn't have time to make theirs or eat their own. you always took care of each other just like you promised each other. kita would always give you his jacket on cold days in the morning for you to wear during school, and would always make sure you're drinking enough water and eating enough. you would always make sure he was alright after practice and gave him talks about how his day was and little pep talks to keep him going. whenever one was sad, the other would always embrace them in a hug no matter where you two were. in the hallway, in the cafeteria, in the gym, in class, anywhere. it was the small things that made you guys such a good couple. one day in the hallway you were crying. everything was piling up and your father got really angry with you the day before.

"i hate him. why. why do i have to live my life like this." you sobbed and sobbed in a dark corner of the hallway until someone pulled you out and hugged you. he hushed you and caressed your back in small circles. "it's okay y/n, i'm here. what's the matter?" the voice of your boyfriend. you sobbed even louder and everyone in the hallway took glances. "shinsuke! i." you couldn't even speak. you looked in his golden orbs and felt so warm inside. he then kissed you, and everything seemed to be perfect. everything felt as if it would be okay. you broke the kiss and stopped crying. "thank you shinsuke, i don't know what would happen if you weren't here." "you don't have to worry because i'll always be right here." you almost cried again but you stopped yourself and said, "i love you, but we should get to class soon." you giggled, and he gave you a small smile and took your hand. everyone who witnessed the scene was so jealous.

(i'm screaming, why am i getting so emotional. stop i'm so lonely).

✿ valentine's day ✿

he would get you chocolate, flowers, and take you on a shopping date. he'd shower you with love and would do anything to make you happy.

"happy valentine's day y/n."

✿ jealousy scale 1-10 ✿

4: he's like sugawara and akaashi. he's never too worried about it. although he cares and worries about your health and well being a lot, he doesn't mind when you talk to other guys. he knows you have other friends to talk to, and he's always okay with that. but when someone gets wayyyy too close for his liking he will outright just take you by the hand and drag you away without a word. of course he'll apologize about it later, but will explain why he was jealous. he also doesn't mind telling you he's jealous. he'd rather show his emotions rather than tell you though.


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