Love always finds a way

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Oliver POV

I still don't get why she went out with me if she was dating someone.
I thought me and her had something.
I don't know.

I find Laurel waiting for me on a bench.
She's looking stunning, but not as beautiful as Felicity.

"Hey Oli." She says in a flirty voice.

"Oh hi Laurel. How are you?" I say innocently.

"Better now that you're here." She says attempting to arrange my shirt with both of her hands on my shoulders.

Felicity POV

I'm just about to go for a drink with Roy. He's the only true friend I've got.
When something, or rather someone, grabs my attention.

It's Laurel and Oliver. Very close.

"Liss are you okay?" He asks when he notices what I'm staring at.

"Yeah sure let's go inside." I say as I grab his hand tighter but not painfully.

We enter this bar, but it also sells fast food. On the table next to us, I see Laurel and Oliver getting really close.

"Hey Roy, Be right back I need to make a call." I say kissing him on his cheek.
I head outside and dial Barry Allen's number.

Barry and I have been friends since forever. When we got older, he moved to Central City so we barely see eachother anymore. Me and him use eachother as boyfriend and girlfriends when we are in need. We can kiss, hug and do other things and we'd still be comfortable with eachother. Just like me and Roy.
"Is it really you Felicity?" He says in a squeaky voice.

"Yeah hey Barry. I need you to be my boyfriend. ASAP." I say.

"I thought you'd never ask." He says.

Oh and I forgot to mention. I know he's The Flash.

In less than a minute, he was here.

"Hey Lis you look sexy." He says smirking.

Roy already knew about this plan so me and Barry just entered inside, cuddling with eachother.

He starts kissing me aggresively as I follow his lead. I can feel Oliver's eyes on me, but I don't care. He broke my heart.

He grabs my hand and leads me to the car as I follow. Oliver follows us.
"Lis, wanna take this to the bedroom?" Barry says, fully aware.

"NO SHE DOESN'T." Oliver says whilst pushing Barry to a whole other direction.
"What do you think you're doing Felicity." He says staring deeply in my eyes.

"I was uh, kissing my boyfriend. Oliver the real question is what are you, doing here. Last I heard, you still loved Laurel, so why are you here stopping me from making love with my boyfriend." I ask in a loud voice.

He shakes his head left and right.
"You don't get it do you Felicity." I looked at him with wide eyes. "I don't want Laurel. I don't love Laurel." He says cupping my face with his bare hands.

"You told me this morning that you still loved her. How and why do you expect me to believe you." I say honestly.

"Because I do love Laurel. But I'm in love with you." He says kissing me gently but very passionatly.

After the kiss was broken, he was grinning and looking at me, stumping his legs nervously and awaiting something.
"You know.. now would really be a good time to say something.." He says.

"I- I - I," I was shocked. How could he love me.

He. Loves. Me.

He grabs me gently. "Don't say it if you aren't ready Felicity. I know I am and I can't wait to start a future with you, that is if you want me to be in your life, of course. You are stunningly beautiful and I'd be very lucky if you'd be my girlfriend." He says understandingly.

"No Oliver. I'm ready. I love you too so damn much and I'm really sorry I got really jealous of you and Laurel. I'd love to be your girlfriend." And with that I start kissing him.. until we are stopped by no one else but the jealous 'fiancé'.. Laurel.

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