From a mistake, to a beginning of a friendship.

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Oh oh oh my god, what have I done!? Felicity thought to herself.
Oliver took it by surprise but what was even more surprising is the fact that after the kiss was broken, he kissed her again.

Felicity P.O.V

I didn't expect him to kiss me again, but it felt so right so I let him. I knew this was going to lead us to bed naturally but he made me feel good. He makes me feel alive.

"Oliver, what are we doing we just met an-" Oliver shut my mouth with a deep kiss.
I thought that he'd realize that we were infront of many people and so I asked "Oliver, stop it. We are surrounded by people here I'm feeling uncomfortable". Oliver stopped and looked at me with a smirk on his face.
"Let's get out of here then" Oliver said followed by a wink that would make any girl melt for.

He dragged my hand forcing me to go inside a guest bedroom, I tried stopping him but he is too strong for my power.
"Oliver goddamn it stop!". Oliver stopped and looked at me.
"Oh my god Felicity I'm sorry I lost control I'm a jerk I'm sorry."
"It's okay Oliver, just please, can we not start our friendship this way.." She smiled and he looked at me and smiled "Thank you for understanding, you are an amazing woman Felicity Smoak, you fascinate me. You are different from other girls, you make me do right choices, you stopped me from losing control and becoming a jerk again. Thank you." Oliver said, after that he kissed me on the cheek.

I smiled. He gave me confidence when he complimented me.
"I should be the one saying sorry, after all I did kiss you first. I'm sorry I let my emotions get the best of me, I'm not really good with handling myself..very well.."
Oliver stopped her before she could continue her sentence "Hey-hey, you are perfectly balanced okay and I forgive you, eh I also was dying to kiss you to be honest, glad I wasn't the first one to fall weak" Oliver said with a smirk.

"Ha ha very funny, expected from you of course, Mr.Queen" I said teasingly.
"I think we're on a first name basis now." Oliver raised his eyebrows with a smile "..After all .. we already kissed.." He said miming a kiss.
"Oh my god, you're going to tease me about this forever aren't you?!" I said annoyingly.
"Aw, don't be so negative, not forever, just whenever we're together" Oliver said wrapping his hands around my shoulders.
"Aha and what makes you think that we are ever going to see eachother again?" I said sounding mysterious.
"Of course we will, especially in the night.. AND DON'T WORRY, just business work, pinky swear.. okay maybe not pinky swear because I can't promise you anything if you're next to me at night, with a body like that.."
"Oliver.. you sound like a rapist" I said with a big grin on my face.
"Who said I'm not?" Oliver said in a deep voice, thank god he was joking.

"Also you need to stop having these thoughts about me, it won't make my boyfriend happy you know.." I trailed off.
"Boyfriend? You didn't mention anything about having a boyfriend? How long have you been together? Are you guys serious? Did you sleep with him already?" Oliver asked so many questions after eachother with a hint of jealousy in his voice.
"Oliver, calm down please-" I said laughing out loud "I was joking".
"Aha so that's funny for you! You got me worried there for a second, I thought I lost my chance on taking you out on a date already, jeez Felicity you can't go scaring guys like that" Oliver said sounding serious.
"You take things too far Oliver, we just met and you are already planning a date for us?" Oliver looked tense. "I'm sorry I just never quite had a conversation with a stunning woman just like you".
I blushed at this "Well you sure know how to make a woman smile Mr.Queen".
Oliver smiled attractively "I told you, we are on a first name basis now".
I nodded. "Should'nt we go back to the party? I don't think the crowd would be happy with me if they knew I stole Oliver Queen from his own party.." I said acting as if I was a widow or something.
Oliver agreed and he grabbed my hand tightly and whispered "As long as it was worth it" Oliver said kissing my cheek causing my back to shiver.

And with that, we left the hall and off to the party.

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