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I am currently here outside Felicity's cute inviting house. The half sleeved shirt isn't helping the cold weather tonight. I am suddenly being cut out of my thoughts by a drop of transparent water on the palm of my hand.

"Shit." I curse out loud. It's not that the rain scares me or anything, that isn't the case. It frightened me.

I am thinking of what to say to Felicity after this morning's awkward encounter. I realise I did the worst thing anyone could possibly ever do but I panicked. I don't want to hurt any one of them because they're both as equal as important.

I finally have the courage to knock on her yellow perfectly shaped door. I know what I'm going to say.. I'm sorry.. Uh um, please forgive me..? I don't know but whatever it is I need to make this right, clean up my own mess.

"I'll be there!" "Josh you're earlier than usual with the piz-" She looked at me confusingly with shock filled in her eyes "za...Oliver.. what, are you doing here?" She asked holding the door half open and hope gleaming in her eyes.

"I came here to apologize." She shakes her head.
"Uh uh. No no no. Oliver I'm sorry. You don't just simply confess your feelings towards me, break my heart- Oh sorry I mean SHATTER my heart, make me fall for you again with you telling me you're in love with me THEN when I tell you the feeling's mutual, what do you do? Oh rigggght, go back to your one true lover Laurel. And now you have the nerve and audacity to come up here in my own home and comfort zone and sanctuary and apologize, expecting for everything to go back the way it was? I'm sorry, I don't give third chances, you blew it up."

My heart broke in my chest. She was right. All of this time, saying I hurt her now so I could protect her from me.. It was worse, I was her disease whilst she was my cure. She was saving me but I was killing her. I guess it's better now than never.

"Goodbye, Oliver. I just want you to know.. you're the first person I ever loved unconditionally and oh how I wished circumstances were different for you and I would have been very happy together."

She moved towards me and touched my stubble softly with her traceful fingers causing me to tingle.

She moved closer, leaning in until she whispered closely to my lips. "I love you." And kissed me.

I kissed her back with more love and passion then ever. She was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Obviously I had to ruin it.

She pulled away and so did I, panting hard for air. She smiled warmly and headed inside. Just before she closed the door, I held her wrist causing her to stumble backwards and fall in my arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm selfish and dumb but I do know two things. I never lie about my feelings to people I care about. I can understand you need time to forgive me but you can't be serious about leaving me. I'm not exaggerating when I say I have no idea how I could live without you." She freezes.

"And the second thing?"

"I love you."

I'm ending it here you guys! It's better than to keep dragging on. Should I start writing a new book?

I totally enjoyed writing this book it's one of my favourites, I don't regret any part of it.

Sorry for taking long to update.

Thank you for your amazing optimistic comments and positive feedback. I could never get enough.

Thank you for almost 6K views! 💗
We've grown so much💕

Thankyou from the bottom of my heart

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