Babbling may be good in some situations

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And so I stayed. How can I say no to a beautiful woman with puppy dog eyes.
We both sat down on the couch as she asked me what movies I wanted to watch. Me, being the guy I am, chose Mean girls.
I'm kidding, she chose mean girls, and me being the gentleman I am, just went with what madame wanted.

"Does Mean girls sound good to you?" Felicity said basically begging for me to say yes.

"Hm a chick flick drama movie.. I don't know, I may want to pass.." I said, trying to make her mad.

"Oh come on Oliver, please please please! It's my favourite movie! I'll love you forever if you watch it." After realising what she just said Felicity tried explaining herself, I love these inappropriate ramblings, they are so.. as Felicity would say 'Fetch'.
"I mean, I won't love-love you forever- two reasons actually- or maybe more.. You are my boss, I don't love you yet not that I will and no offence but we just met and forever is a long time and oh my god Meghan just shut up." Felicity blushed and made a grr sound. She was so adorable.

"Aha Felicity, 26 years old and already talking to herself, I think I should go find you a mental institution." I teased.

"Very funny Queen." She teased back calling me Queen, that was like her nickname to me, mine was candycane. Mostly because I thought she smelled nice, and she had long perfect legs, also because I bet she tastes good too.

"You need to stop calling me Queen, they'll think I'm a girl or something." I say trying to persuade her.

"Uh qugh, never Queen. I like it, It has a nice ring to it." Felicity said with her head up, attempting to look at the stars and pretending that the scene was dramatic.

"Does Felicity Queen have a nice ring to it too?" I asked with my hands shrugging.

"Maybe someday." She said, and with that she walked back to the bedroom.


Felicity P.O.V

"Oliver what are you doing here-I mean not here here, like- in my room here, I'm trying to get changed. Maybe if you payed better attention to your surroundings you would have notic- I'm sorry, I'm just feeling a bit, uh, scared really."

I'm not ready to be alone, in my room, with him.
"I have too many feelings for him and I think we all know I'm not capable of keeping my feelings intatched. I'm afraid I'll ruin everything."

Wait a second.
Oh my god. I just said that out loud. This can't be happening, this is the worst day of my goddamn life. I swear I am a burden in this unfair world.

"Aha, so you do want me." Oliver said with a smirk on his face.

I was sitting down on bed, all changed now. Only to realise that Oliver is on the other side of bed now, staring at me. Waiting for me to make a move.

"Uh no. You know my brain thinks of the worst way to say things. I mean I ment to imply that um like, you know-" "No I don't actually, care to enlighten me?" Oliver said with a seductive smile on his face. He was rolling next to me, causing him to come on top of me. He started kissing my neck but I couldn't, not like this.

"No Oliver I can't." I said whilst attempting to push him off me.

"Why can't you candycane?" Oliver said raising his eyebrows. And getting positioned on his elbow.

"Because." I said trying to make up an excuse. I don't know if I should tell him. I'm scared that he will be offended. But I really don't want to get hurt. Not again.

"Because what Felicity come on tell me. Not even Einstein could have figured you out. Stop giving me mixed signals dammit and just tell me." Oliver said with a loud voice causing me to cringe.

"I'm sorry Felicity I didn't mean to get my volume up that high I sh-" I cut him off. "Get out Mr Queen." I said with anger filling inside of me. I also called him with his surname, making him realise that we are stangers now again. Not even my father shouted at my face. I wouldn't expect a snob playboy billionaire do it. I just couldn't.

On his way out he said 7 words that caused me to explode.
♦️ "I will never give up on us." ♦️

Oh hell no. He had no right to do that.

"You are unbelievable you know that! I regret the fact that I was put in the same universe as you. First you try to have sex with me. Then I stop you and you tell me that I'm special, I'm stunning and all that shit. And then you expect me to hook up with you again after I strictly told you that me and you won't really work out. There is no us Mr.Queen. There never was. I met you what? 2 days ago and I'm sure there will never be an us. Not with you acting the way you do. Goodbye Mr.Queen." And slammed the door at his face.

I burst out crying opening the fridge to find a pint of mint chip ready to suit me.
"You're my only friendddddd.." I say as I sigh and fall asleep on the couch.

I'm sorry chapter is a bit short, but there's going to be more. And more Olicity is going to come. I need a bit of time to think about ideas. If any of you have any please message me with them, even if you think they aren't good enough or stuff. I'll be happy to read.
Thank you for reading this story out of all others and voting and commenting and all that mumbo-jumbo. Share it with your fellow Olicity friends! 〽️

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