Made up for now

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Felicity P.O.V

Ugh it's 7AM, and I need to get up for work.
Why can't work start at like 7PM instead. What difference will it make. We can work from 7pm till like 5am, good deal. I'll like that even more. More sleep.

I got up from bed, after 5 minutes of groaning and stretching. I find my glasses and wear them, because I can barely see anything without them to be honest. I get some clothes from the small brown closet I've gotten a few weeks ago. I'll be wearing a red dress today, which goes up to my upper thigh and has half my back out in a form of a heart. Wow I'm feeling good today.

I get myself to the shower and spend about 15 minutes there, or so I think. It was actually 30 minutes. After that refreshing shower, I recieve a call.
It's Roy. What does he want?

"Hey Roy, what's up?" I said whilst moving along the house in paces.

"Nothing much, just um wanna meet up after you're ready from work? I really need some friendly advice. Please. I'm going insane." Roy pleades. He is really worrying me.

Although, don't I have a date tonight? With Oliver?
But I guess that's off since the fight of yesterday. So I guess I can meet up with Roy.

"Uh, Licity.. are you still on the line?" Roy waiting inpatiently.

"Yeah yeah, I am. And yes, come for me after work maybe? We'll talk about what you want whilst eating dinner at my place? I promise we'll get take-out.. not because I don't know how to cook- you know my food isn't that great an-" Roy cut me off.

"It's okaaaaay Lic. I'll be there. See you later bye. And thank you. You're the best." Roy says genuinly.

"Oh so I've been told..And no problem. What are friends for? Aha see you later." I say as I hang up.

And with that I go back to dressing up. I put on some black mascara and some red lipgloss, after all who am I trying to impress right.
I get my handbag, lock the door and leave. But just as soon as I turn to leave I bump into someone.


"Shi-Oliver what the hell are you doing here you scared the crap outta me." I say frustrated. But sinceriously. What the hell was he doing here.

"I just came to pick you up so we can go to work. And by the way, wow you look beautiful, as always but yeah." Oliver says as he blushes and itches the back of his neck.
When he does that, it means that he doesn't know what to say. So I speak for him.

"Uh, thanks I really wasn't trying to look um, uh, beautiful. Whatever. Uh It's really nothing special, just a dress really. But Oliver, you can't just act that yesterday didn't happen." I say followed by a sad smile.

"I know. I just. I know I was wrong again. I always lose control. But when I'm with you, I'm not joking, you make me want to be a better man. You make me really nervous and that never happened with anyone before. I'm really sorry Felicity, I never want to hurt you. Ever." He said, and as soon as he said that, he offered me his hand and said "Will you give me a chance to make it right?" He says hugging me tightly.

"I will. Make the best of it Oliver. I don't give second chances. But really, I have to go to work." I said, I'm happy. To what Oliver said, and I do trust him to make the right thing.

"Yeah yeah you're right let's get going." He said.

He opened the door for me in his car, as I said thank you. Wow what a gentleman.
As soon as we were next to Queen Consolidated, he spoke exitedly, "Want to go get some coffee before work?" He said trying to convince me.

"Uh I don't know I'm already late and so-" "Who's the CEO?" He said grinning.

"You are.. Okay fine let's go. But let's not take very long okay?" I said, convinced.

"As you say candycane" He said and then kissed me on the cheek. Glad we are starting again, I missed him to be honest.

He goes to the counter and orders 2 black coffee, one with milk and one with whipped cream and mushmallows. Let's be honest you already know which one is mine.

"Thankyou" He said whilst getting the coffee to our table. He sits down next to me actually, and as we start drinking it, he starting laughing.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I said turning around to face him.

"Yes" He stops laughing for a bit but he is still grinning. "I'll remove it." And with that he kissed my lip gently.
After I pulled back, I told him "Is it gone?" And what does he say?

"It was never there." And with that he starts laughing again. Smart.

We walked to QC, and he opened to door and led me in. As if I didn't know where I worked. He went in the elevator with me. And went down to the bottom floor. Where my office was.

"Why are you here? Isn't your office 18 floors up?" I said as soon as the elevator opens.

"Yes and I'm here to give you a job. Do you want to be my executive assistant? You get better computers and better salary. Also, here are 20,000 dollars, for the girl you pay half the rent for. I hope that's enough for this month." He says.

"Uh oh my god I wasn't expecting this, um, thanks for the money but I think 20,000 is a lot for one month. As for the job, why do you want me to work there?" I ask curiously.

"Well for one, It's better for you." I nod. "And secondly, I can't travel down 18 floors everytime I want to see your beautiful face." And with that he sold it.

"Okay." I said agreed.

"Okay?" He said as if he was doubting I would accept.

"Yes Oliver jesus, this isn't The Fault In Our Stars." I said laughing.

"I heard about that, it's a movie isn't it?" Oh my god. He is asking if it is a movie.
After noticing my face serious, he speaks. "Okay I'm shutting up now, you can start from today if you want." He says offering me a hand.

I take it. "Okay let's go up."

We pressed the 18 button, and the elevator door closed.

Heya I tried making this a longer chapter.
I'm sorry if my ideas aren't good enough, I try to come up with new ones asap so I can write. But this chapter did have a little Olicity in it right? Let me know what you think please and tell me if I should continue writing this, I feel like none of you give me support writing this, although I'm thankful for who does. I try really hard to update. Sometimes everyday. And now I've got exams so I don't know if i should continue. Let me know please, thank you.

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