Hard to get. But why?

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Oliver P.O.V
I woke up on a Monday morning only to realise that I have to go to work because I'm the CEO of Queen Consolidated. I get up from bed and go take a quick shower. I brushed my teeth and I realise something from yesterday. Yeah, Ms.Smoak. I remembered that I have to see her today because she worked at the I.T department.
This is going to be an interesting day.

I call my driver Dig, he arrives home and grabs my bags.
"Goodmorning Oliver" He said with a smile.
"Hey Dig, any crimes in Starling?" I said whispering for no one to hear.
"Wow don't you wake up with a bright mood" Diggle said. "Fortunately for us, no. At least not yet, this calls for a break."
"Mhm yeah, but something doesn't smell right.." I said trying to figure out how there wasn't any crimes this past week.
"What do you mean something doesn't smell right? I washed up right before I came here!"

"Diggle you're a clown" I said laughing my lungs out.
"No I ain't no clown, I'm a black driver." Dig said, proud of his job.
"You are also a superhero at night, and a best friend." I said smiling at him.
"As you say boss." "We better get going, wouldn't want to be late when meeting Ms.Smoak I presume." Diggle said followed by a smirk.
"How did y-" Diggle cut him off by saying "I was at the party yesterday too Oliver. I saw the way you looked at her and talked to her, and how she made you smile."
"Yeah okay you're really sweet dig, you might aswell become a poet." I said teasingly.
"But yeah we should go."

And that was the awkwardest conversation of all time.
I shouldn't say that quite yet, haven't had the conversation with Felicity.

We arrived at Queen Consolidated at around ten, but as soon as I was walking inside someone bumped into me with coffee, causing it to spill all over my brand new tux.
I was mad at first and I was going to get angry with the person but then I realised I couldn't.
Not when I had a huge crush on her.
"Oh my god Mr.Queen I'm sorry..I didn't mean t-I never thought that would happen-because of course I don't see the future but if I did I would stop it- 3 2 1 UGH" Felicity rambled on and on that she was sorry untill she got out of point.
"Hey. It's okay I'll just buy a new one.." I told her, trying to comfort her.
"Of course you will, you're Mr.Queen!" She said with her hands in the air.
"I told you, we are on first name basis" I said winking at her.
"I like to think that yesterday didn't happen- at all, not that kissing you was bad, because trust me, It was not. But I hate to think that I kissed my boss."
And just like that.
That's how she changed my mood and made me sad.
"Yeah okay I understand, it would be weird wouldn't it, you and me I mean.." I tried to find out if she likes me or not.
"Hm, it will be for sure. But will it be worth it?" Felicity said in a serious voice followed by a smile.
"You tell me" I said, wanting to know what she is implying.
"I will, just not today, I have to get to work. Some of us are busy and working to pay our rents Queen, not all of us get to be billionaires" She said trying to get inside.

I grab her wrist and whisper in her ear.
"Don't leave again."

"If I won't leave, what do you want me to do?" Felicity said acting innocent.
She is spectacular.

"I want you to come with me to buy a new tux, after all you did just spill coffee all over me.." I said, trying to convince her to come with me. Many reasons why I want her to come.
1) To see if she likes me
2) For her to pick me a tux, obviously
3) For me to get to know her
4) To spend more time with her
And so much more.

"Fine okay, deal. Only because I spilled coffee on you. And you have 2 hours. I need to get to work I have lots of calls to make." Felicity said trying to sound professional.
"I think 2 hours are enough, maybe if you want, or if you change your mind, I'll give you an extra maybe 3-4 hours, and my place." I said joking around. In reality though, I wasn't joking, at all.
"Funny Queen, but I'm sure I won't need any extra hours, and certainly no house, especially yours, no offence." I looked at her confused. Why not my house. She emphasised on the especially, she made my house sound like a scary house or something. Has she been there before?
"I'll be back, just going to tell the head of I.T that I will be back soon." Felicity said pn her way inside.
"You don't have to. I think I'm the CEO around here." I said a bit proudly. Okay maybe a lot proudly, but hey, I'm trying to impress a girl here so put up with me.
"Oh yes, I forgot I was talking to Mr.Queen, I thought I was talking to a hobo down the street." She said with a fake smile on her face.
"Damn Ms.Smoak, what is the problem with you!" I said frustrated.
"I'm sorry, did I do something to you." She said arrogantly.
"Yes you did, tell me if I have a chance with you or not. And tell me why you're being so arrogant to me when all I'm trying to do is get you to like me. Sort your shit out." That's it, I got mad.
"Oh I'm sorry Oliver, I'm sorry I'm not like the other girls who just open their legs for you and I'm sorry I don't have time and I don't care about dating right now. I'm sorry."
After that she started crying and went in her car.
I feel guilty, I hate myself for making her cry, but I still need to find out why.

After 6 hours of work, I was ready to head back home.
My mind was still focused on Ms.Smoak. I feel so bad.
I get up from my chair and head to the I.T department, I ask the head of I.T, Paul if he had seen Ms.Smoak.
"Hello Mr.Queen, what can I do for you?" Paul asked politely.
"Hello Paul, I need to know the address of a person who works here, um, Felicity Stoan is it?" I said, pretending that I don't know her full name.
"Yes! Felicity. She is the best employee around here, she's very smart and intelligent.
Um, yes here you go, she lives in the outskirts of Starling City, almost next to the Glades." Paul said.
"Thank you Paul, don't tell anyone about this, I'll give you double your salary for a week." I said trying to persuade him.
"You got it Mr.Queen!" He said happily.
"It's Oliver." I said, and with that, I got in my car and drove over to Ms.Smoak's house.

I'm nervous, what if she doesn't open, what if she is still crying, what if I make her sad again, what if she hates me now.
I get the courage, and go knock on the door.
One. Two. Th-
"Hello Pizza g-.....Mr.Queen?" She said.
"Hey. Can I come in?" I said, hoping she'd say yes. It was cold outside.
"Yeah um okay, I guess." She closed the door behind me as I sat down on the couch. Her house was small but very cosy and well decorated, everything was organized and in place, she was very tidy and her house smelled like vanilla.

"Soooo, what brings you here at 9pm?" She said, trying to break the silence.
"Ah, um, nothing much just wanted to see how you were doing after you know, I feel like a douchebag I'm so sorry, I'm sorry that I made you sad and ever worse, cry." I felt like a big stone has been lifted off my chest.
"It's okay Queen, It's not completely your fault." Her sparkling blue eyes started to water up, she tried hiding them by letting her golden luscious hair fall loose of the ponytail, but I still saw them.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened, do you want to talk to someone about it?" I said, trying to make her feel better, I hate seeing her suffer.
"Yeah um, it's really no big deal, it's just, um my brother and my boyfriend well ex-boyfriend i guess, were driving after an ice-hockey match last week, and their car crashed and-" she exploded crying and sobbing. "And well, none of them survived" she continued crying on my shoulder. I wish I can do something to help her.
"I'm sorry for bringing this up and for bringing back the memories, is that why you were playing hard to get with me? Because of him?" I asked, finally, understanding.
"No, not at all. Oliver, he cheated on me. With my bestfriend at the time. He told me he loved me when in reality my bestfriend was pregnant with his baby. I still talk to her now and I help her with financial things, pay half her rent and stuff. Oliver you are an amazing guy and you're basically perfect, but I don't want to be hurt again." She looked at me with those sky blue eyes and gave me a warm smile.

"Felicity, the last thing I want to do is hurt you." I said truthfully.
"And you don't need to pay her rent, I'll do it. After all, it's not more than a billion is it."
I teased, attempting to make her smile.
"No no, I can't ask you to do that." She tried protesting, but it wasn't going to make me back down.
"Ms.Smoak. I'm paying. End of discussion." She hugged me tightly and our bodies matched perfectly to eachother. Just like we were ment to be.
"So you're not ready to go out with me aren't you?" I say.

She goes on her tip toes and kisses me gently.
When our lips collide I feel fireworks,butterflies and everything in my stomach. She sure knows how to make a guy feels great.
After that amazingly perfect moment, I break the silence this time by saying, Ms.Smoak, will you go to dinner with me tomorrow?" She turns back to face me, she kisses me again and whispers in my ear, "I think we are on a first name basis now" I chuckle a little at this and after that she kisses my neck and says yes, in a low but high kind of whispery, damn sexy way.
She send shivers down my spine.
That never happened to me with other girls, but she was different, she was special.
I finally check my watch, it's 3am, man time passes quickly when I'm having fun.

"Hey, I think I'm heading home, It's really late and you should get some rest." I said, looking foward to seeing her tomorrow.

"Stay." She says, and we all know what I'm doing next.

Hint: It doesn't involve me going home anytime soon.

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