𝟓. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

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I glance out the plane window and grip the arms of the seat I'm in. Having an irrational fear of planes and jets is not something I'm proud of. It's also not something you'd expect a ruthless killer to have, but here we are—thinking of plummeting into the abyss of nothingness and burning up in a heap of metal and flames.

I have serious control issues.

Once we land I'm finally able to breathe again. With feet on solid ground, I make a few calls, dangerous calls. They had to be made nonetheless. I couldn't be going into this situation completely blind and alone. After those I called Agelos to update him on my progress, telling him that I'm tracking down leads. It wasn't a complete lie, the leads were leading me to Dani though, not who Katya was working with.

There's a back Lexus waiting for me, not my usual choice but it works for now. I drive off to the address I'd been given, not bothering to stop by the hotel first. I need to see if this woman, Shaina Holland, is really Dani. The pictures I'd been forwarded looked like her, somewhat, that is if Dani had lost half her body weight and dyed her hair blonde.

I parallel park into a spot across from the apartment complex, grimacing as I take in the surroundings. It's not the worst area but it's a far cry away from the best. For someone who grew up like Dani had, this is slum-living. From five-star luxury to this. I shake my head in irritation.

Stubborn woman. Always such a stubborn woman.

I think she thought leaving would make Agelos see some sort of light. She didn't know just how dark her father was. She'd just gotten a taste of it, a very very small taste at that, of his darkness and the demon living inside of him. He was the devil incarnate when he wanted to be and I was his wrath.

I sit for what feels like an eternity staring at the entrance of her building, waiting for this Shaina broad. The one that apparently is Dani. Just as I'm about to pull away I see a blonde head round the corner, not just one though, there are two blonde heads. A male and a female.

Their hands are entwined, letting me know he isn't a threat to her, no, this must be the boyfriend Shaina lives with, Tucker. I lean forward, trying to get a better look because she's wearing a long, thick coat and has a hat on. Seattle this time of year was much the same as New York— stupid fucking cold.

The couple gets closer and they make it inside without me getting a proper look. I want to get out and follow them inside but I know I can't do that. I can't just walk up to her apartment, especially if she really is Dani, she'll likely try and flee, well, that or call the authorities. With a sigh, I sit back in my seat, preparing myself to wait even longer.

Two hours later Shaina exits the building and begins a brisk walk in the opposite direction of which she came. I exit the car and quickly catch up to her, remaining a healthy distance behind her. She's Dani's height but the build is throwing me off, she's much slimmer. When I get almost a touch too close I smell it; her perfume.

I stop abruptly as something in my chest stammers slightly. That scent is a mixture of honey, strawberry, and lilac; it's intoxicating. It brings back so many memories that I have to shove to the back of my mind because I'm beginning to lose her in the crowd. My pace picks back up; trailing her until I reach a shoddy bar and grille. After she enters she glances backward, looking directly at me.


For a heartbeat we stare at each other but that's it. She turns back around and goes inside without a look back, like she hadn't even been surprised to see me. I shake my head and take a step away from the establishment, confusion marring my mind. After a few minutes I see her through the window, clear as day, night at this point, serving beers to two gentlemen. She's writing down an order next and I realize she works here, too.

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