𝟐𝟔. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

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"Mr. Riley, I thought I told you that you are not allowed in the vicinity. Please leave." Evelyn's curt voice said through the security device.

"I need to speak with Kuraly."

"I don't think that's possible." I let out an irritated breath. "This is the last time I'm going to ask you to leave the premises before things get very uncomfortable for you."

"We are working together." There's a long pause but I add. "Call him and ask. He'll tell you. We both have the same interests, they're aligned." I know that telling her is a risk but I told Agelos I'd make it in and speak terms and give Brooks a formal warning. Because if he doesn't give her back to him he will have a hit put out for his head.

"I'm sorry but he's not picking up. You'll have to—"

"He'll have a hit put out on him, Evelyn. Please, I need to speak terms so that doesn't happen." A few minutes later the door buzzes and both armed guards eye me hesitantly. I walk past them, straight to the desk where Evelyn is. "Thank you."

"You have challenged the last of my patience today, Mr. Riley." She holds out a bin for me and signals to it. "All weaponry in here, you know the drill." I nods and disarm myself. Afterward she eyes me in irritation. "If you are lying then I will have you shot and sent back to the Albanians as an example. Do you understand me?"

"Quite clearly."

She snaps her fingers and another woman takes her place at the desk. She doesn't even look back to me as she walks over to a set of elevators, she knows I'm following. We walk in silence as do we ride the elevator. The entire walk down the long hallway is quiet as well. Once we're in front of the door she gestures to it. "You have a half hour as of right now."

Non-guild members were only allowed asylum via a vouch from a member, but not if they were apart of any other crime organization. If they were part of one they were only allowed in to discuss potential work.

"I suggest you give the door a knock."

I don't wait another moment before doing just that. I hear nothing from the other side and that's because the rooms are soundproof. After another few minutes I knock impatiently. When the door opens I see an irritated Brooks, shirtless.

Why does he have his fucking shirt off? If they fucked—

"Can I help you?" He casually leans against the doorframe, flexing a toned arm slightly above his head.

"Mr. Riley says that the two of you are working together?" He makes a point of looking me over before nodding to Evelyn. "Your word."

"My word. We are working together."

"We need to discuss terms." I'm just barely able to grit out. "Can I come inside?"

"Not so sure you want to." The smug look all over his face tells me my previous thought had probably been correct.

I'm going to strangle him.

"Remember there is no violence here. None." I'm assuming she can feel the rage rolling off of me, a complete aura around me at this point. "And you remember what I said to you just moments ago, Mr. Riley. I do not make idle threats."

"Yes." I swallow back all of the hate coursing through me for the man in front of me. "I would like to come inside and discuss terms." There's a smug look on his face at that and I want to punch it right off.

He holds the door open. "By all means, come on in."

When I take a step inside Evelyn states, "I'll be outside the door. You've got," she looks down at the watch on her wrist, "twenty-seven minutes now, Mr. Riley."

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