𝟒𝟏. ✭ 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐈 ✭

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We're all currently sitting at the table across from Evelyn and two of her security team members. She seems to be digesting our story, looking extremely irritated as she does so. She's livid upon hearing some of her team are crooked, that The Harvey Watch had been breached by outside members.

"I thank you for not using lethal force, for letting them have their lives. Explaining body bags go down the hallway isn't something I've had to do since the last time your mother was here." She aimed that at Torey but Brooks had made it adamantly clear that you do not kill anyone unless absolutely necessary here, especially if you are not part of the guild. "We have a reputation, which is why we typically do not let your kind in." It was a sneer at Torey and I.

"It's not their fault." Brooks interjected but he's wrong.

"No, it is entirely my and Torey's fault."

"I brought you here, Dani. The fault is with me." Brooks tone firm, wanting no condemnation thrown my way. "You didn't ask to come here."

"As much as I would like the blame to be on someone else it is my responsibility entirely. I let you all in. I let you all stay, against my better judgment. Your mother is a gamble on the best of days." She threw Torey's mother at him again and then her eyes find me. "As for your father, I should've let that big goon take you the day you arrived but Brooks is a favored member and vouched on his life for you." Her piercing gaze turns to Brooks and I see her hawk-like assessment him. "They nearly took your life. A member of the guild, right under my nose." She's seething, seemingly angry with herself more than anyone.

"I'll be alright, Evelyn." I watch her fists tighten into balls on the wooden table. "They've taken care of me, honestly." He reaches out and surprises me by grasping a shaky fist. "Please, don't punish either of them for me bringing them here."

There's a knock at the door which has Torey scooting his chair back and getting up automatically. Everyone is quiet while he goes to answer it. Brooks hand leaves Evelyn's as well.


Torey hadn't told me or Brooks that he had told his parents to come, but there they are, much to Evelyn's chagrin. Torey's mother sits at the head of the table, where Torey had been himself. I can feel him standing behind me, much like his fathers are standing behind her; protective, possessive.

"Well, well, well, what do I owe the pleasure, Miss Ricci?"

"Mrs. Warner-Riley." Torey's mom points to the men on either side of her to reiterate the point. "My husbands, in case you've forgotten. Although, they're rather hard to miss."

"Regardless, Mrs. Warner-Riley," her name was enunciated irritably, "I do not see the purpose of you being here for this conversation. This is between the guild and these three, especially your son."

"What about my son?" Her tone is full of venom. Her entire demeanor is one of a snake about the strike.

"He's affiliated with the mafia and, as you very well know, we no longer house people who are affiliated with gangs and/or the mob. That rule is courtesy of you yourself."

"He's not part of the mafia."

"He was until he was found to be sleeping with Agelos Dedaj's daughter. He crossed his boss, carried weapons in this building. He beat the shit out of a guild member." She gestures to Brooks who is indeed in horrible shape.

"I gave him permission." Brooks chimes in which makes Evelyn grimace. "I did, Evelyn. I knew what had gone on between them. It's not like I wasn't privy to the information. Him coming after her was all a front." Well, for the most part. I know Torey would've done anything to keep me with him at that point. He would've done anything to get me back— like have his family fly all the way to New York so he could stay here, so that I was protected.

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