𝟒𝟑. ✭ 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 ✭

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Upon waking nearly every part of my body is fiercely angry with me. It hurts everywhere. Images of Torey's fist repetitively punishing me appear in my head. He had been fucking brutal but I hadn't given him anything in return. I hadn't complained, hadn't even fought back. I just let him manhandle me because I knew if I fought back we would both lose sight of Dani, and I couldn't have that. I knew if anything seriously bad was happening he would signal and I would act.

What I wasn't expecting was for Torey to break cover. Him throwing that knife into Dedaj's wrist was brutal. The man will be lucky if he has proper function of his hand after that because Torey had definitely done some serious damage. I had been able to get two shots out after that, using every bit of strength I had left to make them. When I knew Dani was safe in Torey's arms was when my body basically gave out on me, adrenaline the only thing keeping me semi-conscious at that point.

I'd luckily crashed into a chair that'd apparently been in the middle of the room but then I started to gradually blackout. My vision had been fuzzy, my ears had been ringing, and I couldn't properly focus on a damn thing. I don't know how long I'd been like that exactly until my body started coughing and upchucking blood simultaneously all of its' own will.

Then Dani's hands had been on me but they'd felt strange, like she was holding something, which I'd later learned had been a gun. I heard Torey's voice and then had seen a large body come into my line of vision, well, what would've been my vision had I been able to see properly. I somehow managed to end up on the couch and then everything started hurting simultaneously.

In that moment, I made myself remember worse times from when I'd been in the marines. I remembered being tortured and worse things than the beating I'd taken as I had sat there with my head in my hands. I tried to keep remembering worse so that it all didn't hurt so fucking bad. Because I have been through hell and back. I have survived worse. And that is the mantra that consistently pulls me through all of my rough times, my darkest days.

What I hadn't been expecting out of that was Torey to be the one to tend and take care of me afterward. That threw me right the fuck off. He'd even apologized, a genuine apology too. Or maybe I'd been so out of it I'd imagined it? But I know I didn't imagine him helping me into bed with Dani and the two of them looking over my wounds again to make sure I was okay.

But then he'd agreed to stay the night...

I look over to my left and, much to my chagrin, there is no Dani lying next to me. I blow out a heavy sigh thinking about the conversation we'd once had revolving around her relationship with Torey, especially her sexual one. Before I jump to too many conclusions I need to get myself the fuck out of bed. Best to take care of the external wounds before festering the internal.

I manage to sit up and automatically want to vomit. I take several deep inhales and exhales before I make my legs go over the side of it. You've been through worse. Right. I've been through worse. I stand up an am met with excruciating pain. Pain means you're still alive. Right. I'm still alive. I make my feet move one in front of the other to the bathroom because that's another thing that ached; my bladder.

After letting out an equally irritating piss I wash up and find my nearly naked reflection staring back at me. My body is an array of angry colors, my legs and arms are pretty unscathed but my torso and face are the epitome of fucked. I brush my teeth, wanting to rid myself of my morning breath before walking out into the main living space.

I'm met with Dani and Torey sleeping on the couch together which has me blowing out a long, painful breath. He's behind her, spooning her it would appear, but I can't tell because they're covered by a blanket. I clear my throat in an obnoxiously loud manner which does nothing but send a straight 'fuck you' from my insides to me. Dani's eyes open slowly and then widen as she see me glaring at her.

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