𝟐. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

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This is a fucking shit show if I've ever seen one. I've got my boss' traitorous bitch of a side piece's brains splattered on the carpet, a rather jagged cut on my forearm, and a God damn knife sticking out of my leg, buried all the way down to the hilt. Much of how I would've likely been buried inside said traitorous bitch if she wasn't the aforementioned, but I digress.

I test the handle of the blade. "Jesus mother of FUCK!" Don't be a bitch about it, Tor, just pull the fucking thing out. I grip the handle and yank. "Shhhffffuuuummmmmuuuuccckkkk!" And now I'm bleeding— all over the place. Stitches. I'm going to need some serious stitches.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" The brothers, Remy and Ram, ask simultaneously. When they eye the body on the floor they both freeze.

"She was a spy, a snitch. She was working with the people who set off the explosives." They both look extremely confused and I don't blame them because Katya played the part of complete airhead extremely well. "I guess she wasn't as oblivious as we had all pegged her to be."

Ram walks to the body and looks her over, head cocking to the side as he says, "you blew out her kneecap but still shot her in the head." It was a plain statement but it held a question, one that I couldn't afford answering.

"Is that a question on my decision making that I hear, Ram?" He says nothing to that but he looks like he knew that was a line he shouldn't have crossed. "Do you see my leg bleeding all over the damn place? Do you see my arm?" I hold it up showing the long jagged cut. "She deserved the bullet in her head. Fucking the boss like that and then fucking him over— I don't fucking think so. Agelos will be happy I got rid of the bitch." For added effect I spit down on her corpse, much the same way I had once spit in her pussy.

Morbidity and sex. Danger and pussy. This is my life now.

"Agelos would've shot her in the head himself if he was here." I'm thankful Remy added the last part because I know he would've. Maybe not before finding out what she had to say but I couldn't afford that. No. Fucking. Way. Maybe she really was the airhead because she should've known better than to taunt me. No one ever taunts me without seeing a fist or a cocked gun and Katya knew that.

"Have either of you been in contact with him?" I look back and forth between the brothers. "I've been a little fucking busy in here with miss bitch n' snitch so I haven't been able to."

"Affirmative." Remy 's voice solid, firm, like it always is. "I spoke to him before I called you. He's on his way here."

Damn that was fast. Then again, that's what every good crime syndicate needed— their people on top of things. Which I would've been if I hadn't continued to continuously be on top of the brain-splattered woman on the floor.

"He's bringing Tatyana." Ram continued to look over the dead body. "He won't let her out of his sight for the foreseeable future." I nod in agreement. "I think there was a similar hit overseas too. I think they're targeting boss man's family. He has more information and he'll brief us when he gets here."

Tatyana is his wife. A wife that knows what her husband is in to. She'll probably want to spit on Katya's dead body just as I had. She'll do so and then walk directly out of the room without even a backward glance. Cold. Ruthless. Beautiful. She was the perfect wife for a lord of crime and her daughter looked just like her.

"I think they're going after boss man's family." The words play over again in my head and I see one face that, whoever is after the Dedaj family, better not lay a finger on. I chew the inside of my cheek in irritation.

"Any ideas the whereabouts of the family here in the states?" I asked both of them.

"Just the sons." Remy replied.

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