𝟑𝟎. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

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I towel myself off and then wrap the fabric around my waist. I could've gone to my room to shower, I probably should have, but I needed to get the hell out of the room. Watching Dani watch Brooks after my mother brought up the two of them fucking irked me like nobody's fucking business.

When I walk out into the changing area I see Brooks entering. We're both shirtless, bruises still faintly mar his face as well as mine, as well as Dani's. She'd covered it up with makeup last night but working out next to her all morning had been a fresh reminder of what'd happened, her disappointment in me.

My mother goaded me with this man. She knew what she was doing by bringing up the fact Dani had a good pounding last night. I'm sure she could sense my eyes flicker toward every move Dani made because I could see it, just like she could; Dani was walking like she'd been in a fucking gangbang last night. The man currently in front of me courtesy of said Bambi legs.

"Came for a show?" I ask as I head over to my locker. "Want to see the family jewels?" I grab my bag out and throw it down on the bench.

"No. Not in the least."

I arch a brow with, "You sure about that?" My hands go to the edge of my towel and he immediately looks away. 

"Your mother wanted me to come in and check on you." That makes me let out a scoff. "But seems like you're fine so I—" I drop my towel and stand there in front of him completely naked. "I'm going to go."

"What? Does being around me naked make you uncomfortable? Seeing the only other cock that Dani has had inside of her? Are you feeling a little inferior?"

"You know what, no, no it doesn't bother me." His umber-colored depths find mine in irritation. "Seeing you naked doesn't bother me nor does it affect me like you think it does."

What the fuck does that mean?

Oh wait a minute...

"You like what you see, don't you?" I rummage around in my bag and grab my clothes. "Are you feeling blood rush to specific places thinking about my hands around your neck? Dani likes that too, you know."

"Oh, fuck off." He turns away from me and walks out of the locker room.

"Forgot your bag." I shout out as I pull up my underwear. He reluctantly comes back into the room and goes to his locker. "Does Dani know?" I pull my jeans up.

"Does she know what?"

"That you're into guys too."

"I'm not." He slams the locker door forcefully.

"Is that why you got hard when I was on top of you the other day? Because you don't like men?"

"That's never happ— you know what," he throws his bag over his shoulder, "I don't have to fucking explain myself to you."

When he goes to walk out I can't help but add insult to injury. "Don't you just love that little breathless moan she does." He freezes. "That one where she opens her mouth so wide but not a word comes out. Like that's how you know you're hitting it good." He throws his bag on the ground and stalks over to me giving me a harsh shove. "What?" He gives me another shove but this time into a locker. "You want round two? Or what would this now be round three or four?" My hand goes out to wrap around his neck to goad him but he knocks it away.

"Don't talk about her like that. She had your fucking kid you should be more fucking respectful of her. Not treat her like a thing."

"Sometimes she likes being treated like a play thing."

"Oh don't I know it." His eyes taunt mine. "She was thoroughly enjoying it last night while I came in her over and over again. All in her mouth and pus—" I propel him backward with a solid push, silencing him.

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