𝟓𝟐. ✭ 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐈 ✭

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Category 5 tornado.

That is what Torey is. Once I was in his embrace I knew I was a goner. The truth is the minute I entered his room I knew I'd be done for, especially since he hadn't exited the shower yet. Now here he is, on top of me, his massive naked body caging me in like a trapped little bird. I hate the fact that even though I'm vocally trying to fight it, my body isn't at all. It's basically crying out to him wantonly. And Torey isn't stupid, in fact, he's more than aware of how my body responds to him; how it wants him.

One of the sexiest men I have ever seen in my entire life, if not the sexiest, is on top of me telling me he wants me and needs me. After every breathy statement his lips go back to punishing mine like he's angry I haven't been the one giving him what he's desired for who knows how long. Like he's mad at me for keeping them from him.

He rubs his hardened length against my sex, which is still currently covered in my leggings. If he keeps it up he's going to see exactly how bad I want him. As if voicing my inner-thought he says, "I'm so fucking horny right now, Dani, you have no idea."

God, do I...

"You're not the only one." Torey's mouth freezes against mine at the sound of Brooks' voice.

"Brooks?!" The sound comes out panicky as I look over to where his voice had come from. He's standing in the doorway, leaning against its' frame as he looks over us with a masked expression. "I—"

"Ended up beneath a naked Torey and kissing him on accident?" He tilts his head to the side as he raises his brows at me. "yeah, that seems totally legit." He crosses his arms over his chest. "You want to get off my girlfriend?"

"No not particularly. Get off with her— yes. Get off of her— not so much." As if to prove his point, Torey licks the crook of my neck until he's at my ear. He nibbles it softly before murmuring, in the most sensual of ways, just loud enough for Brooks to hear, "she tastes too fucking good to stop. You're free to watch us, though."

"Torey..." I try to push back his massive body as his hand goes up the side of my shirt, not giving a single shit that Brooks is right there. I look over to see Brooks still casually leaning against the door frame, watching intently as Torey's hand goes under my bra and pinches my nipple. My breath hitches and I bite my lip which has Brooks' eyes sharpening.

Torey's lips go to my ear with a soft whisper of, "is he still watching?" I nod against his face feeling an overwhelming mixture of guilt and arousal but Brooks and I have talked about this. He had once said that he'd thought about Torey and I having sex before. He'd even gotten off to it, to the mental visual he had of us going at it. "Good." Torey said with a lick to the shell of my ear.

He slowly starts kissing his way down my body until he reaches the hem of my pants. Once Brooks' eyes leave mine and follow Torey's actions I look back to Torey. He's watching me with such intensity, bright-blues dancing sinfully as he pulls my pants and underwear away from me, leaving my bottom half naked.

He jerks my legs to the edge of the bed making me let out a gasp as he tears my body towards him. Torey licks his lips in anticipation before gesturing with his hands for me to open my legs wide. I would normally do so automatically for Torey, knowing he doesn't like asking twice, nor does he like it when I'm a bad girl and don't listen or hesitate, but I turn my head to look at Brooks. There's no way he can truly be okay with this situation.

"Listen to the man." I shiver from head to toe at that, spreading myself wide open for the man standing before me, eyes still on Brooks. He walks over to a seat in the corner of the room, one that gives him a perfect view of what's about to take place. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe he's going to watch as—

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