𝟑𝟒. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

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I step out of my car and the men immediately notice me near the door and one of them rushes to take my keys. "Sir." I toss them to him without even an acknowledgement. I put both hands in my pockets as I walk toward the entrance. Long gone is the man that'd been at The Harvey Watch. Long gone is the man that'd rescued Dani in Seattle. Fuck that guy right now. It's easily done with the fresh set of toxins coursing through my system, easy to forget.

I feel hyperaware, overly observant of my surroundings as I enter the club. There's a statuesque brunette spinning around a pole that I've never seen before. She's got great tits, an even better ass. The g-string she's wearing is swallowed whole by it. When she does her split at the bottom she tosses her head back, catching my eye. Oh she's hungry. I shake my head, giving her a smug smile before continuing to the back.

I walk past the men down a long hallway, one that leads me to a secluded staircase, feeling the music pulsate through my body. They all give me a slight nod in respect and you'd think I was the boss, not Dedaj. Then again, they probably all know why I'm here— to deliver agony, suffering, and torment. Several sets of steps later I reach the metal door that two men stand beside.

"Ah, there he is, the man of the hour."

"Boss." I bow my head to him slightly.

"I do not like not having you by my side. It has felt strange these past few weeks." Not just strange for him but for me as well. I'd let part of my facade slip, let Dani back into my heart. Focus Torey.

"As I don't enjoy not being by it and not being there to have your back." He pats my shoulder in not necessarily a friendly manner, it's more brotherly or even fatherly. "It's good to be back, sir, even if it's just for the night."

"Soon enough our problems will be solved. If Brooks doesn't comply then I know you'll manage to handle him and bring that disobedient bitch of a daughter of mine home." The last words were growled out and the part of me that would be angered at that statement hollers in the back of my mind but I stay deaf to it; to him, the caged part of me. "We found the man here in the states that was behind the bombing other than Polat himself."

"Who is it?"

"The man he hired was Katya's husband, who wasn't Katya at all but a woman named Nadine Cowell."

"The man whored his wife for specs?"

"I suppose so." He spits on the floor in disgust at the thought of her memory. "She was a loose bitch anyway." She wasn't but she definitely acted like a whore for sure. "I figured you'd want to have your way with the man. Get some answers for us." I debate for a moment about telling him the truth about the Katya situation. Better to peel off the bandaid just incase the man behind the door does.

"Boss, I need to inform you of something." He looks at me expectantly but I nod over to a spot that's a little further down where none of the men are, where none of them can hear me. "I know you told us not to have relations with her, I know it was a direct order not to, but I need to make you aware that I was with Katya before and after it was given." I barely register the blow he delivers to the side of my face. "I deserved that." Another blow to the other side of my face. "And that." My hands are still in my pockets as I open my mouth and roll my jaw around, mildly fazed by his actions. I can barely feel my face right now anyway.

"Piçka!" He shoves me backward, then grabs me by the lapels before holding me up against a brick wall. I let him. He wouldn't've been able to do it otherwise but I'm not the boss, he is. "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't, boss. I didn't think anything of it at the time but then you gave the order. It only happened a few times after it was given." A few more than a few times but at least if everything is coming out in the open I'd told him first. "I want to use it in my interrogation and I thought it would be best if you knew beforehand."

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