𝟑𝟐. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

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I roll over with a deep exhale, feeling a subtle pounding in my head. How many vodka shots had I had? If by the way my head was thudding continually was a sign then it was clearly too many. "Mmmmmmmnnnnnnnnn," I groaned into the too-fluffy hotel pillow.

What happened last night? I play a series of events in my head and it starts out with the uncomfortable afternoon working out. That'd fucking sucked. Taunting Brooks in the locker room. Planning but not planning because all there was was Dani... Dani. An image of her getting fucked from behind doggy-style, mouth wide open, eyes closed as she writhes in pleasure sears its' way into my brain. Behind her is Brooks, coaxing her to climax. Was I having fucking nightmares or something?

Brooks... Oh God. I roll over as I think about what is currently a blurry memory. Some girl at bar. Ending up at Dani and Brooks' room. Then an irritated Dani. Brooks and I in the hallway and then... Oh shit. I was on top of him nipping down at him in a ferociously playful manner. Why in the actual hell was I doing that? I ponder for a moment. Why the hell would I do that to a dude? Then I think about leaning down, leaning in for a... Fuck. Then it all goes black. I think I landed on my ass? My back? I don't even know.

I sit up and rub my temples in frustration. Another murmur of a groan makes its' way out of my throat, a grumbly noise because I'm in desperate need of water. I breathe in and out a few times trying to remember how I got back to my own hotel room. I'm in my hotel room, right? I look around and confirm that, yes, I'm in my own room.

My alarm blares making my head scream out in protest. "Shuuuuut the fuuuuck uuuuup." I grab my phone and turn it off before chucking the thing back on the nightstand. "Jesus, my fucking body is sore," I moan out as I stretch my limbs above my head and twist my back to ease out some kinks.

I swing my legs over the bed before standing up, stretching again as I do. My clothes smell of booze and cigarettes. "You smell like vodka and cigarettes." Brooks' voice played in my head, those brown eyes looking up at me with anger; anger and lust. Jesus Christ, what was I doing? Being drunk and stupid. Oh, right.

I strip my clothes off as I head toward the shower then hop inside once I'm completely naked. The water is nice and hot, scalding off the stench of last night and reviving some of my memory, making the couch situation much more real in my mind. As I scrub the suds out of my hair I try to remember what'd happened after that.

I know I passed out after Brooks' threw me off of him before I could... I'm not thinking about that. But how the hell did I get back to my room? With a sigh I turn off the water and grab my towel. Once I secure the white terrycloth around my hips I go to brush my teeth, needing to scrub the stale taste in my mouth out desperately. As I brush the minty-goodness over my pearly whites I stare at my reflection, everything is pretty much as good as new, albeit my eyes are slightly red. A knock at the door has me finishing up and wiping the residual paste from my face.

"Gimme a second!" I holler out and then instantly feel like an idiot because the rooms are sound proof. I grumble under my breath as I stalk toward the door knowing it's probably my mother telling me to get my ass in gear for a day of training; the woman is relentless. Upon peering out the peephole I see someone I'm definitely not expecting— Dani. "Hey," I said after opening the door, guilt flooding through me for bringing a girl to her room.

"Hey." She looks uneasy, nervous. "Can I uhm," she wrings her hands together, "can I come in?" I nod and open the door open for her to enter.

"What's up?"

"I wanted to talk about what happened last night." She paces around the room but I just stand near the door, assessing her anxious self.

I spear a hand through my hair with, "listen I'm sorry I showed up to your room with some girl. I don't think I even knew her name. I was trashed. I don't even remember how I got—"

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