✭ 𝐁𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍 ✭ (𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭)

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Monica is clinging onto me for dear life but also trying to smack the absolute-fucking-crap out of me as I walk her toward Brooks's car. She hates me. She loves me. She's petrified. She's excited. She also wants the 'hot blond stranger to get in the fucking car and drive us to the hospital'.

I'm going to let that one slide since she's half out of her mind right now.

We get into the back seat of what I'm pretty sure is a Dodge Challenger. It's bright red and probably not something a pregnant woman should be sitting in the back of. Before I can think too much about that said blond man slides into the driver's seat.

Brooks eyes me in the rearview, "everyone have their seatbelts on?" I give him a nod before he shifts and the car lurches forward. He's meticulous, focused as he weaves in and out of traffic with ease. Occasionally giving me a slight heart attack when he slides between places that should be too tight for us to pass through.

Monica grabs ahold of my hand and squeezes it with a loud scream. "God!" She cries out as she continues to try and break the bones of my hand. "Blond guy—"

He eyes her through the mirror, "Brooks."

"Brooks, yeah, whatever." She blows out another long breath trying to do her lamaze breathing but then says, "oh fuck this. This breathing shit does not work." He chuckles and she glares at the man through the rearview.

"We'll be at the hospital in no time."

"Eyes on the road." I throw at him as he speeds up. "I'd prefer we all arrive safely." Brooks doesn't say anything he just focuses and shifts up again. God, how fast is this guy going? I'm not going to let myself think about that. It's fine. Everything is fine. My best friend isn't an undercover mobster guy and this isn't some marine hitman guy driving me and my pregnant wife to the hospital. And apparently Torey is a father too? My mind goes to all of those tattoos I'd done for him and the probable meaning behind them. Christ.

"Boston?" I focus back to the here and now not wanting to linger on that morbidity. Monica looks furious. "Sorry, am I distracting you from whatever it is that you're thinking about since it clearly isn't the fact THAT I AM HAVING A BABY!?!?"


"I'm sorry." I rub her back. "I'm here, baby. I'm here." She just glares. "I always will be." I could never leave this woman. "All the things, baby. All of them, remember?" She nods looking somewhat pacified, a very small somewhat.

"Hey, blond guy?"


"Right, Brooks," Monica screams bloody murder again and I try to hide my cringe at the pain in my hand. "Okay..." She lets a deep breath out. "So Brooks," she inhales and exhales a few more times, "distract me." His eyes flicker to hers in the mirror again.

"How so?"

"I don't know. Just talk to me. You and Torey are partners?"

"In a sense, yes."

"In what sense? Like the three of you are like Torey's parents sense?"

He cocks a brow. "And what sense is that?"

"You know..." She winces as she experiences another contraction. "You know. Like the three of you fuck and stuff." I snort out a laugh and Brooks's eyes just widen in the mirror. "Like a poly type of sense."

He shakes his head with, "no, not like that at all. We are just... partners in the sense we have a security detail we're running together. I actually wasn't aware about his family."

That surprises me somewhat. "Oh really? You're telling me that you didn't know Torey is a Warner-Riley? His mother is Malyssa Ricci and his fathers, plural, are Luke Warner and Denver Riley?"

I watch his jaw tighten infinitesimally at that fact. If I'd learned anything from my brush in the world of crime it was that Torey's family was one not to be fucked with. If this man is involved in the underground I'm guessing he'd know who Torey's family is.

"Bunch of crazies is what they are." Monica adds before screaming again. "ARE WE THERE YET!?"

"Actually, yes we are." He pulls up and parks right out front of the hospital and I help Monica out. "Good luck."

"Thanks for the ride, man." He gives me a tight nod and I can tell his mind is elsewhere. I want to say other things to him, ask him more questions but Monica is currently still breaking my bones. I close the door and no more than a second later is he off.



I cradle my my newborn daughter in my arms with a happy smile, unable to take my eyes off of her as I walk around the room. She's a little dark-haired beauty, much like her mother who's currently asleep in the hospital bed next to us.

I'd been there through the entire process and held her hand throughout ninety percent of it. The other ten percent was her telling me to get away from her only to ask me why I wasn't next to her. It was a pretty confusing experience. But then Presley entered this world and I became a father.

I'm a father.

I never thought I'd be the aforementioned. But here I am with a gorgeous and perfectly healthy baby. The woman on the bed the reason for my current state of complete and utter happiness. She's my everything, her and this little gem in my arms. Said gem stirs slightly until she's fully awake. Before she can even let out a proper cry Monica is fully conscious.

"Give her here. She's hungry." She beckons me with open arms. I hand the baby off to Monica, who has taken on the role of motherhood seamlessly. If I thought I couldn't love this woman any more than I already did I was wrong. I love her so fucking much it's ridiculous and that love just keeps growing.

"Room for me?" I eye the hospital bed and Monica gives me a wide smile as she scoots herself and the baby over. I sit on the edge of the bed with them, my little family. I place a kiss on Monica's forehead. "Thank you."


"For you. For her." I caress Presley's little cheek. "For everything, Monica. You've given me everything."

"There's nothing to thank." She glances at me with a perfectly content face. "Because you've given me everything too."

I caress the gold bracelet around her wrist, the one that she never takes off. It now has a hospital bracelet next to it as well. I look from it then into her eyes. "Like a river flows. Surely to the sea."

"Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be."

These two are probably the sweetest couple I've ever written.

What character relationship out of all of my stories is your favorite?

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