𝟏𝟔. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

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I assess the damage to my face in the bathroom mirror. I've got a black eye, a busted lip and nose. Luckily mine isn't broken, like Brooks' had been. He set it back into place when we were outside with a slew of curses directed at yours truly afterward. I can't help but chuckle to myself at the memory.

The man was definitely a trained fighter, I'll give him that. He gave me a bit of a run for my money and that's not something a lot of people can do. I usually dominate a fight because of my size. It's hard to land a solid punch or kick that actually does much, if any, damage. According to my face, it would seem Brooks managed to land several damaging blows.

I turn my head to the side and look at the places where the glass had punctured the skin. Asshole. Those were going to scar, luckily it would just add a bit more rugged handsomeness to my already attractive self. People can call it confidence or call it arrogance, but it still doesn't change the fact that I am well aware of my good looks. I am one attractive motherfucker and my dick game is on point.

My hair is still partially wet from the shower I just took and needs styling. Without product it's just a thick fluffy mess, albeit a sexy mess. I thread the product throughout my locks with my fingers thinking about how glad I am not to be covered in the stench of someone's week-old garbage anymore. I've got no more blood on me either.

There's a knock on the bathroom door which has me telling the person on the other side to give me a minute. Dani enters regardless of my statement as I wash the mint-scented hair paste from my hands. She looks me up and down with slightly widened eyes, appraising my body since all I have on is the towel wrapped around my waist and the gold chain hanging from around my neck.

"Like what you see?" I lick my lips as her eyes flicker up to me hungrily.

"I uhm," she tucks hair straight blonde hair behind her ears, "Monica wanted me to tell you that dinner is going to be ready soon."

"So that's what you just had to bust into the bathroom to tell me— dinner is about to be ready?" I cock an incredulous brow. "Doubt that was the real reason." Her cheeks flush crimson and it makes me picture doing the filthiest things with her. "Where's our other... friend?"

"He's at his hotel for the night." She doesn't seem disappointed by that fact which I am one-hundred percent a fan of.

"Good." I didn't want him to be anywhere near Monica and Brooks seemed to rub Boston the wrong way as well. Might have something to do with the fact we were at each other's throats. "What's for dinner, then?"

She sucks her bottom lip in her mouth before releasing it with, "I don't know. I didn't ask but it smells really good." I nod, taking in her hungry form, one that isn't hungry for dinner but for another word that begins with the same letter. I let out a low chuckle. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because it's quite cute how badly you want me." Her features instantly harden so I stop my chuckling. "Oh don't act like you weren't just drinking me in like a tall glass of water, baby. You are fucking parched. I can tell." Not to mention earlier today she'd been aching for me to devour her pussy. Such a pretty little pussy. She goes to leave and I grab ahold of her arm. "Where do you think you are going?"

"Where do you think I'm going? Out of here. Away from you." She glances down. "And away from that." She points to my growing erection and I smirk. I grab ahold of the edge of my towel and shimmy my hips around, pushing the material down. "What are you—" Her words are cut off when I let the towel fall to the ground. Now she's just staring at me, well, specifically my naked cock.

"Miss me?" I grab ahold of myself, giving my shaft a couple of strokes while I rub my abdomen with my other hand.

"What is wrong with you?"

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