Chapter 13

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All throughout the rest of the afternoon I couldn’t help but think of Tommy.

The way he moved so quickly and accurately when fighting, his green eyes that had a hint of silver...just everything about him made me giggle to myself.

The end of the day came around quickly and I had a load of homework.

Damn this is going to be harder than I thought!

I shifted my bag onto my other shoulder and walked out of school.

I stopped in the middle of the courtyard and couldn’t see him anywhere so I looked around for Emerald and Dane. I glanced over to where the dorms were and I only saw Dane so I slowly walked over to him and three bulky looking guys.

“Um...have you seen my dad Dane?” I asked a bit scared. These guys were huge! I definitely don’t want to get in their bad books! HA more like they don’t want to get in my bad books Rhia muttered. Dane looked over at me and stopped talking to the big guys and moved to give me a side hug.

“Sup sis! Nah I haven’t seen him. Is he picking you up?” He asked me casually. I just nodded at him and looked around hoping I could spot Tommy or something.

I felt a little bad. Without even realising, I called Alexander Dad. How did Dane feel about that?

“Dude, why did you just call this chick sis? If I remember correctly Emerald doesn’t look like that” A guy with a dark blue eyes and blonde hair asked laughing away to himself. All of a sudden I felt a tingling feeling in my upper arm.

“Did you just pinch me big brother?” I asked raising my eyebrow and putting my hand on my hip trying to look scary. Dane rolled his eyes smiling and turned back to his three friends.

“Guys meet my baby sister Sapphire.” He said eyeing them up giving them the look.

The guys looked at me and a guy with red hair and black eyes spoke up first.

“Hey there” he said obviously checking me out and smiling once he’d gotten back to my face. I looked away shyly trying to hide my red face.

 “Yo! I’m Chase and this ugly thing is Jaydon,” The guy with dark grey eyes and blonde hair said smiling widely at me. Not before he got a whack over the head from who I assumed was Jaydon. I looked over to Chase, then Jaydon and noticed that the two were brothers. Jaydon had nice dark blue eyes and the same blonde hair as Chase. “And that scary looking guy is Leo” he said pointing to the guy with black eyes and red hair.

“Uhh, hey” I said shyly to Chase, Jaydon and Leo. Trying to distract myself I quickly looked over to Dane and went to take his phone from his hand so I could make a call. I stepped behind the guys hoping they could stop my brother from pouncing on me. If he was anything like me I knew he would.

I hate when people take my precious!

“You have 5 seconds to give me back my phone Sapphire or else” he said looking very amused.

Yep! I was right!

“Or else what?” I asked batting my eye lashes hoping that he wouldn’t come after me.

Before I know it I had three boys tickling me so hard I thought I was going to die!

“G-g-get o-off me guys!” I said through laughs. Damn I hate being tickled! It’s my ultimate weakness, I'm ticklish everywhere!

“Never little sister!”  Dane said shouting in my ear whilst he tickled my on my stomach. I could feel one of the guys tickling my foot. I tried kicking them in the face and I think I succeeded because I heard a grunt and felt my leg being released.

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