Chapter 22

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Just in case you haven't caught on yet! Rhia has pretty much taken over Sapphire's body and is in control! It's a short chapter so you get an insight to what she's really like! Back to Sapphire's POV after this!


I studied the so called Leo in front of me and looked him square in the eyes.

“She’s not coming back. Not for a while anyway. Sapphire is reckless and cannot be trusted to ensure her own safety as well as mine. You saw what just happened earlier. She was still in a dream state when she tried to interact with reality. She has not even practiced something like that. The girl thinks she’s superwoman and needs to be kicked down a few steps.”  I said puffing my cheeks out. I’d been holding back for so long and I felt so relieved to have control over this situation.

“Rhia right?” He said letting my hands go and looking over my appearance. Sapphire and I had literally blended together. The only indicator that it wasn’t Sapphire was the eyes. They were a huge give away. The inky black stood out greatly in contrast with the cobalt blue people were used to seeing Sapphire with. I’d allowed my red tinges to come through also, making Sapphire's hair a combination of brown and red, mostly red.

“Yes. And I guess you’re going to try and get me to submit to you so you can get Sapphire back am I right?” I asked smugly. If he thought I’d back down quietly, he had another thing coming.

“At first, yes.  But now, I think I’ll let you roam for a while. I already know how to get you to back down. And before you say something, I know it’ll work.” He said getting up to walk away from me which irritated me to no end. “You coming then Rhi?” he said already giving me a nickname.

I huffed almost like a spoilt brat and followed suit. I didn’t realise where we were going until I saw the faces of Sapphire's siblings and parents at the island eating food. I refused to think of these people as something regarding a family. I was just here to help Sapphire become the powerful being she was destined to be. Heck I wasn’t even supposed to be another person that could take over her body, becoming someone new. Witches were silent. The only normal thing about witches is that they could help you any time you needed the extra power. I obviously knew this wasn’t the case when I was awakened so I guess I’m making the most of this until they figure out how to keep me silent and dormant. I knew exactly how they could do it but was I going to tell them?

In their dreams I inwardly chuckled.

“Elders, D, Em, this is Rhi. Sapphire's feisty witch.” He chirped. Why was he so happy?

“Can you stop with the happy happy thing? It’s grating on my nerves.” I said pinching my nose. How Sapphire could feel so calm around this thing was beyond my knowledge.

“Oh play nice Rhi or I’ll have to spank ya” He said teasingly. It’s like he knew everything that would get under my skin.


“And the relationship gets even weirder. You’re having a relationship with my sister’s witch as well now? Leo my man” Dane laughs whilst shovelling pancakes in his mouth.

“Listen, I’m here to show Sapphire just how easy it is to take charge. There is nothing going on between us! Sapphire doesn’t even feel that way! Gosh you people irritate me.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea hun?” the Sandra woman said directly to Leo. I crossed my arms and waited for his reply

“I’m 100% sure that I can break her down. Then we’ll have Saphy back.” He said helping himself to the spread of luxurious food.

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