Chapter 24

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The word has been repetitively playing in my mind like a broken record. Whatever it was, I didn't want it, not if it made me feel like this.

As soon as Rhia had her rant I darted out of the now awkward aftermath and made my own way home. Not paying attention to my surroundings I forced myself to review what had just happened.

What had just happened?

"Bed anything with boobs and legs...your Ninx" the venomous words of Rhiannon replayed making me flinch and something deep within bubbled up to the surface.

"What the hell does that even mean?" I screamed and without realising felt the earth begin to shake beneath my feet; my intakes of air becoming very short and shallow. From the corner of my eye I could have sworn that I saw someone who vaguely looked to be Charley.

"I'm really losing it aren't I" I said to myself never taking my eyes off where 'Charley had been.'

The forest floor was vibrating with excitement, eager to break free and cause havoc much worse than of Spain...just thinking of Spain made my spine shimmy with fear and I silently promised myself that I wouldn't let something like that happen again.

I wasn't used to feeling this intensely. It's no secret that I'm emotionally detached, so being bombarded with such perplexing emotions startled me to no end.

It's your greatest downfall; expose yourself to the emotions.

Could I really allow myself to let that happen though?

From a very early age I'd learnt not to. It'd only hurt more when you get hurt, you always get hurt. My second day here proved that. I'd willingly accepted the reality that I'd found my brother, my sister. In the process of this I let my control slip and thus the Chase incident occurred.

"Sapphire? Where are you? Why are you blocking me from finding you?" I heard simultaneously.

Great, now I have a search party and I'd only been gone a few minutes.

"Leave me alone!" I sighed in frustration. How was I ever going to figure out all these conundrums if I kept being interrupted?

My way of dealing with things may involve forgetting about taming the wild magic inside me, but nonetheless it helps. Being here will only put their safety in jeopardy.

"Just leave me alone, all of you!" I shouted again. They obviously didn't listen as seconds later I saw three bodies emerge from the mass of trees.

"What are you doing? You're causing an earthquake." Tommy shouted in shock.

I couldn't help it. The only way I could suitably figure emotional things out, was to just let go of all magical baggage, and think. I knew it wasn't very suitable and practical for everyone else, but, this is why I never allowed myself for a second to get attached to things like this. It always caused problems.

Cut it out. If you haven't already noticed your powers are tied to your emotions Sapphire.


I hadn't noticed and that was what baffled me most. I was a smart girl and I could effortlessly piece two and two together. So why had I not pieced this together?

"Look at me. Whatever is getting at you...give it to can't do this anymore. There are people you care about that are on the line." Leo said walking towards me with his hands showing he meant no harm.

"I wouldn't hurt anyone." I said anxiously

"Sapphire I mean it," He warned "do you know how long the school has been shaking? You've been gone for an hour and a half. The school had to do an emergency lockdown. Let me help you-" I cut him off as my temper flared, how dare he accuse me of potentially hurting people. I was in control. I knew exactly what I was doing.

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