Chapter 21

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"That's it baby girl! You've warmed to my technique ever so quick! I never thought you were actually listening all these nights but you've surprised me!"

"Hey I always listen to yo-Is that my mum?" I asked looking around. I could hear her voice and a few others surrounding me but I couldn't see them.

"It appears our time is up sweet pea. Time to go back." She said which such sadness I nearly cried. I hated leaving her here all alone. Sure she was in the most peaceful place in the universe but she wasn't actually there. I couldn't see her unless I went to her in my dreams. It wasn't the same.

"Lily, let me help you? Or let me stay with you? I hate leaving you here all alone." I said walking towards her but she looked at me sternly and tried to push me out so I would wake up.

I wasn't having it though. We shared no more words after that as I tried to fight against her pushing me out. All the while hearing my mother bickering with god knows who.

"I leave you two for one minute and you've already gotten in to a fight with little Tomas and my youngest is sleeping in a bed with a random boy! Alexander you have a lot of explaining to do old man." Sandra seethed.

"I'm only 3 years older than you babe, besides aren't you related to the wicked witch of the west or something?" Alexander teased shuffling away.

"Sapphire, you're making this harder for yourself. I'll still be here tonight and the night after that. You have to let go hun. You can't stay with me. It's not your time. Won't be for a very very long time if I have my way." She pleaded. Goodbyes were never our thing when we'd spent so much time together. I'm guessing I'd been out for more than 10 hours because even I felt tired and I was already sleeping.

"I hate this." I said teary eyed looking into her shimmery eyes. Her eyes were so captivating, my favourite feature of hers. I envied her beauty and aspired to be as brave as her. I would be as brave as her. So I did as she asked and let myself slip from her world. Promising to spend more time doing fun things with her when I return.

I felt back into reality and wasn't pleased. I could hear Dane and Emerald snickering to themselves about god knows what and then there was my parents.

"How many times have I told you about that? She's a distant relative, removed from the family and what not. No-one talks to her anyway." She whined.

I could tell Leo was awake and I'm sure he knew I was too. And on cue Leo let out a frustrated growl making him sound animalistic.

"What is it with people waking us up ey? What is it, the third time we've been aggressively woken up now?" Leo grumbled extremely quietly so only I could hear. I tried to contain my laughter but ended up giggling and rolling over to face everyone and sat up slightly


"See! I'm not the only one that jumps to these conclusions!" Dane said waving his arms in the air acting like a drama queen.

Very abruptly I felt tired and figured Lil was trying to pull me back in quickly. I shifted so was resting on the wall and closed my eyes welcoming the feeling. Still being alert of my surroundings however.

"Has she just gone back to sleep? Just like that?" Emerald said with disbelief. "Is she ok? I mean she looked pretty pale when she got up. Maybe I should try wake her up since grumpy over there isn't going to."

"I wouldn't" I heard Leo from next to me warn but I'm guessing she didn't want to listen because as soon as she touched my shoulder I was harshly taken from my state and suddenly pushed her away from me. Not realising my strength of wind until I saw her colliding into Dane.

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