Chapter 6

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 I could see people in front of me.

Who were they?

Why were they in my room?

Without realising I let out a growl. They were a threat.

I saw one of them whisper something and within a blink of an eye I felt like I was being dipped into a freezing cold bath. I felt my body slowly but surely cool down. I felt like I had god skinny dipping in the river last Christmas. It was minus 20 degrees.

My eyes cleared up andAlexander and Sandra were both looking at me with. Eyes full of fear and anger.

Am I in trouble or something?

“What was that young lady? This can’t carry on Sapphire!” Sandra said quickly and loudly - a sign that she was beyond pissed. I looked at her wondering what her problem was. I really wanted to give her one of my snarky comments but I couldn’t...even though I was trying so hard to do so, I just couldn’t. She was giving off a firm I-mean-business vibe.

Not wanting to speak I just shook my head. I didn’t even remember getting out of my bed for Christ sake!

 “Sapphire Rhiannon Valerian-Williams what the hell am I going to do with you?” Alexander spoke.

Before I even had a chance to answer I let out a very un lady like grunt.

I had pins and needles in my side and it was rather unpleasant. Ignoring the two in my room I went to my ensuite and looked at my side in the mirror to see if it was still red.

“Holy meatballs!” I half shouted feeling my body fill up with shock.

There were black markings covering my side in the shape of roses and vines.

“Eek,” I squealed. “Guys look at this!” I said trying to steady my breathing. I sure as hell don’t remember having this last night!

 I heard quick heavy footsteps and assumed Alexander was running to see what was going on. I looked over to the two to see them emotionless. Their faces were wiped of all emotions.

Alexander started speaking in that foreign language whilst Sandra examined my side. Her head tilted making her brown hair fall to one side of her small shoulders. She always had her hair up in a long pony tail that comes to her chest but I guess she was keeping it down today. Sandra looked very interested in my new “tattoo” which I found very odd.

 “I can’t believe it!” Alexander said obviously to not to anyone in particular. I looked up at him to see him looking at.

I just stood there like a goon watching my side - praying that this tattoo would disappear.  

“Sapphire we’re-” Jessica quietly spoke walking into my bathroom, but I cut her off

“No don’t. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for scaring you Jessica!” I shifted from one foot to another and I saw Charley hiding behind Sandra.  “And you Charley...” I whispered but knew she’d hear me. Charley must have been shitting bricks!

I gave the twins a head nod and then they smiled back but it wasn’t a real smile. The twins were in joggers and crop tops...looks like they’re going for a run.

I don’t blame them.

After what just happened I’d need to get away from here too. The twins left and I walked over to my bed and sat down.

“Turn around baby” Sandra said walking towards me, obviously wanting to look at my side.

Sandra let out a sigh. “Sapphire... these markings on your side, they’re royal markings. When I was a little girl I had always been interested in this sort of stuff so I did a lot of research and found out a few other things.”

“What do you mean royal markings?” I asked not knowing if Sandra knew that I was like Alexander. What was she going on about? Why is Sandra telling me about her old school obsession? As if answering my question Sandra spoke again.

“Its okay pumpkin I know what you are. Half witch and half supernat right?”

“Uh yeah.” I laughed nervously. Had she known all this time?

“When I was about 15 I became interested in witches and magic. I’d been wondering the forest one day and found a diary. It looked so old and useless, but when I realised that it had Wicca markings I read the diary. It really intrigued me. On the last page it said the person reading this would come across a group of witches and would be able to do magnificent things. When I finally did come across them I showed them the book. They looked from the book to me and said I shouldn’t be able to read that book since I’m human, it was a spell book and was written in an ancient language that I could somehow understand,”

She paused.

“They welcomed me to their coven and taught me everything they knew. Turns out I could use spells. The witches said that I had to of come from a long line of pure blood witches and I somehow didn’t get the gene.”

She let out a shaky laugh. Probably reminiscing. I knew there was more so I just sat there and waited for her to finish. I was always taught never to interrupt my elders, yet I still do.

“The witches realised just how good I was at mastering spells and they took me to the Supernats court so they would know about me. I’d heard all about the Elders in the court and knew that I’d meet the most powerful witch of all time. To say I was scared is an understatement! I showed them all what I could do and then they told me I was an Elder especially for the witches. Just like that. That was 20 years ago...swiftly moving on, this means that I know my stuff when it comes to witches.”

 “Hang on. Why are you always at home then if you’re meant to be some hot shot elder?” I asked suspiciously.

“I’m not needed anymore. Witch hybrids are very uncommon and people shy away from having witch hybrids after an incident.” Sandra said rubbing her wrist. There was a long scar along her wrist. Had that been from said incident? I’m guessing now really isn’t the time to ask.

“So what happens now then? I can’t carry on like this anymore. I’ll end up h-hurting someone.” I looked down trying not to cry. This was all too much! Everyone’s been lying to me my whole life! I’ve thought I was the only one that could do the unthinkable. But no! It turns out my mum is from a long line of pureblood witches and my dad is a supernatural being! How fan-fucking-tastic.

“I don’t know pumpkin pea”

“Oh.” I said speechless.

I looked over to the mirror and noticed that my new found tattoo had faded to a deep redy black. I let out a sigh and traced the pattern that was now engraved in my side.

Admiring the markings I thought about how something inside me was changing. I didn’t know what it was but I’m 100% sure that nothing good would come from this feeling.


If you notice any mistakes just let me know! I haven't properly gone over it...

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