Chapter 2

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This chapters been edited but not fully! So let me know if you catch any errors and stuff like that!

Don't really have much to say apart from comment with your thoughts about the story so far :)

Here goes nothing...


We have been here in the forest for around five minutes now and Alexander is still looking down at the now destroyed forest floor.

To say this clearing looked a mess would be an understatement. The tall confident pine trees that were dancing with the winds movements earlier had come to halt and were now hunched over. Pieces of the once whole boulders were all scattered around the clearing.

“I can’t.” Alexander said suddenly. Still looking down might I add.

‘God what is the big deal?’ I thought to myself angrily.

“What do you mean you can’t tell me? You can’t tell me or you won’t tell me Alexander?” I snapped raising my voice a little causing him to flinch. But that didn’t stop me. “I want answers and I want them now. You know how things like this piss me off!” I said getting worked up. I hate when people start something and don’t finish!

“Spit it out then! You know I won’t give up!” I clarified

“Alright alright.” He announced. I stood up and shuffled closer to him kicking some small stones into the opening that I had created. As I got closer I nodded my head so he knew that I was listening.

Alexander took a hold of my hands and I instantly became accustomed to the shocks. I’ve been trying my best to avoid Alexander for this very reason. I didn’t like the way my skin heated up slightly and the way my insides tingled like I was with one of my latest crushes. It confused me to no end!

I looked down at our hands and noticed that the shocks seemed to be much stronger than before...affecting my system just that little bit more.

I figured that now wasn’t the time to be focusing on this right now and looked back up to see Alexander’s face scrunched up.

“Well?” I said starting to feel uneasy.

Instead of hearing Alexander I heard elegant voices that seemed to be coming from the birds. Evidently they hadn’t been affected by what just happened.

I looked at Alexander again to see his face was still scrunched up, making him look older than he already was.

I guess he needs time to collect his thoughts’ I thought to myself.

His body was tense and his usual raven locks were all over the place like he had just ran his hands through his hair numerous times. His big auburn coloured eyes looked dull and lifeless. Alexander was very muscular for a man of his age and I often wondered how he managed to stay in such good shape.

Alexander started to speak so I finished my examination and made sure to paid attention.

“You’ve always wondered why I’m never at home any more...Correct?” he said, not even waiting for my response. “Well that’s because of work, I work in the courts. It deals with special people.”

“What the hell do you mean by special people?” I asked him. Giving him a puzzled look.

He ignored my confusion and gave me the ‘I dare you to say that again’ look.

“Oops, I'm sorry!” I quickly said, realising why he gave me the look. He didn’t like it when I used bad language.

“So, the reason I am away is because I personally have to work with these special people.” He said slowly, making sure that I was following when really I wasn’t. Why is he bringing this up now?

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