Chapter 17

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I didn’t think I’d even be in this situation. I mean I’m sharing a bed with a guy, and not just any guy.


I've always kept myself to myself. I've always hated it when people touch me without giving me a warning as well. But not ever did I think i'd allow this to happen so easily. 

I remember him saying that I should stay at his just in case anything happened. I remember feeling really anxious but I now know I made the right decision in taking him up on his offer. I had a nightmare, but as soon as I could wake up screaming like I normally did Leo had me pressed against him making sure that I knew he was there and that I didn’t need to be afraid. Usually the sudden sign of protection would make me feel uneasy and out of place but, I somewhat liked that he was there.

Even if he was sleeping.

Throughout the night I felt like all the bad air that had been lingering around me since I was 7 years old was starting to slowly but surely drift away and it made me feel something I couldn’t describe. Something good and relieving and it was all down to Leo somehow.

And it was for that very reason that I am now trying to ignore my idiotic brother who is shouting the odds in the room. I wanted to hold onto this feeling before it ran off.

Stupid brother.

“Sapphire Rhiannon Valerian-Williams I swear to all that is magical stop hugging up to Leo and get out of his bed right now or I won’t be responsible for my actions.” He roared.

I slowly rolled over onto my side which made me move a little on to Leo and grumbled. Not liking the loudness. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t even half 6 yet. It felt early. “Go away, it’s too early to be shouting.” I said trying to get comfortable again.

Why isn’t Leo waking up from all the noise? I’m pretty sure Dane woke everyone in the building up!

“Leo I know you can fucking hear me you piece of shit! I invented that move. Get up before I fucking make you get up.” Dane growled.

Leo was awake?

His breathing was so even and he didn’t even move when I snuggled up to him a minute ago?

The sly fucker.

“Woah woah, what is going on in here? Why is everyone shouting?” Jaydon came in with his sleepy girlfriend followed by Chase.

I didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea so I quickly jumped out of bed and hid a little behind Dane whilst trying to think of where I put my uniform.

“Oh, I’m glad someone is liste-”

“Why is Sapphire in Leos shirt?” Amy said clinging to Jaydon obviously still tired.

“That’s what I’m trying to find out!” Dane said shouting again.

How dare he assume we got up to something? Are girls not allowed to share a bed with a boy? How infuriating.

“Dane, you need to calm down. Nothing fucking happened for Christ sake. He was doing me a favour if you must know.” I said staring him down.

“Will you all shut up” Leo grumbled sitting up slowly in bed. He glanced over at me and gave me a strange look. “Saph, come here a minute.” He said sitting on the end of the bed. He didn’t look too good, he looked a little rough and he looked really pale. This was very surprising since he was naturally tanned. I walked over to his mini table and picked up my folded clothes before walking over and sitting next to him on the bed.

Before I could even open my mouth to say something Chase cut in.

“No fucking tonsil tennis whilst I’m here.” He said childishly before putting his hands over his eyes.

“Your hair looks better down.” Leo croaked out. Now I knew what he meant by my eyes were flickering. What Leo had only described to me yesterday was something I was now seeing.

Not in myself, but him.

His eyes were flickering.

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