Chapter 9

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I stood watching everyone run for their lives. I heard the girls running towards me.

Dad!” the twins shouted. “We need to get out of here!” they both cried.

“Don’t worry girls. I’ll get you out of here. We need to be careful though ok?” I said strongly. I couldn’t have my babies get hurt. I had to be strong. For all of us.

As I turned to Sandra, that’s when I saw it. The building falling towards us.

“Sandra, Jess Charley, move! Now!” but they were too slow. They wouldn’t get out the way in time.

Before the building could crush my wife and twins it dissolved into fine specs of ash. I saw another building coming our way and quickly grabbed the twin’s hands and pulled them to me.

There was no way we would get away from this one. We were right in front of it. Not even a few feet from the entrance.

But like the other building it dissolved into ash. I looked around to see if the other buildings were doing the same but they weren’t.

That’s when I realised.

“San?”  I asked, “What’s going on?”

She shook her head, put both of her hands together and made a sphere shape. Muttering some words indicating that we had a shield around us. How she managed to do it I do not know. She hadn’t done anything like this in a couple years.

“It’s Sapphire, Alex” She said lowly so only we could hear.

“I have to go find her!” I exclaimed

“No. She isn’t stable. I should go.” she said sternly. She was used to these sort of situations. She wasn't an Elder for nothing I guess, but I just couldn't let her go. Something was telling me to keep her away this time.

So ignoring her comment, I kissed her on the cheek and discretely snuck away from the twins. They were too upset to see me leave.

“Make sure you get somewhere safe ok?" Sandra and I both said at the same time.

I backed away from my family and took one last glance at them before looking for the cause of this.

I knew that I wouldn’t be seeing much of them after this. I walked all over the beach until something caught my eye. I could see red hair.

I could have sworn it, she wouldn’t come to this realm.

As I walked closer to this person, I vaguely recognised a scent.

I didn’t even hesitate in touching the girl with red hair.

“Sapphire?” I asked a bit scared. What the hell happened to her?

She looked back at me with her black orbs.

I put both my hands on her shoulders and began to shake her. Trying to get her out of this state. She would end up killing the whole population of Spain in she didn't snap out of it at this rate!

“Ouch!” I yelled. My hands were burning and glowing a bright red. I knew Sapphire was doing this but I didn’t let go. I was determined to get her out of this.

My hands begun to tingle in pain and I thought to myself

I should be dead by now.

But I wasn’t. I was still here with Sapphire. Still here looking into her black orbs. I could see the old Sapphire deep within. She wanted out.

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