65. His Royal Highness

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I followed Hector until we came to an empty part of a hallway where he stopped and went to an akimbo stance, looking more serious than I have ever known him to be. He seemed to be thinking something over before saying, "You must be wondering why I have asked to speak to you in private."

I didn't have the heart to tell him that I didn't care - about this conversation or him, so I played dumb and said I was.

"I'm afraid I must express my concern about your...employer, was it? The fellow that's son to Diane?" I asked what his concern was about Christopher. "You see, my dear...I don't trust the man. Something about him feels..wrong."

I asked him to explain further in which Hector took his time about before coming up with, "Has he tried to harm you in any way? Perhaps overworked you?" I told him no, that Christopher has not hurt me or overworked me, and that I have, in fact, enjoyed the work I was given.   

"What was it that he makes you do exactly?"

"Domestic chores, mostly. I do help with the ship now and then, but only if the crew needs help or I'm assigned to do it."

"Ahh, so a maid." 

Gee, thanks for putting it that way.                                                    

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Well, I have only concern for you, my dear. A woman such as yourself can not be trusted around men like him, a pirate nonetheless. Why, they steal and take and are such greedy creatures. Is he holding something over your head? Perhaps I can help. You can work for me or about the castle. We are always looking for good help."  To this, Hector flashed a small smile. 

I assumed he wanted me to answer with a blush or some flirty gesture that made me seem so grateful that he was offering me a job in an extravagant caste, working for royalty itself, and that it was the crown prince himself offering me the position. However, that wasn't me. I wasn't interested in a job here, nor was I thrilled to be offered one by royalty.

I smiled sweetly. "That's alright, your Royal Highness. I am perfectly satisfied with my job upon Christopher Taylor's ship. I am grateful, though, for your kind offering. However, I am curious as to what Christopher's career choice has anything to do with his character."

Hector gave a small curt laugh and crossed his arms as if he knew the answer to every question. "He's a pirate, as you and I both know. You know what they do, as do I. I'm sure working on his ship long enough, you know his...tendencies. His sly nature, his appalling greed, his lust to take from others." He made Christopher sound like a villain in a storybook. "I mean, it must be torture trying to deal with being in the same room with that man. I understand why you left the library now."

I fisted my hands. How could you judge anyone off of something such as their career? I don't know. It angered me, but I had to remind myself that that was the way I felt about Christopher too. I accused him of being something that he wasn't. Christopher wasn't a murderer, something to fear; he was a man that had a ship and wanted to go places with it.

I unclenched my hands and let out a silent sigh to calm myself. I looked up at Hector with honest eyes, ones that I hoped he could believe, and said, "Christopher Taylor is a man that I have come to respect. Though I do not always see the things he sees or understand him sometimes, I know that he's good at heart. He only steals what he needs and gives back to the people in need." I smiled to myself, realizing that in some way, Christopher was Robin Hood. 

"Pirates are liars, my dear. How can you be sure that that's what he wants you to see?"

I felt myself shiver. I had already come face to face with the problem of could-be-lying Christopher more times than I would like to. I didn't need another person reminding me, telling me that I didn't know this man, but I did. I learned my lesson.

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