Chapter 2

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I just laid there taking in his beauty. His soft snores making me smile wildly. I wish we weren't born into this fucking life and we'd be able to be together. Properly. Without needing to be friends with benefits.

How would this work anyway? Do I message him when I'm in the mood or when he is? Do we just go to each others room? Fuck! This is so complicated!!

Haz: "What's your pretty head worrying about"

In his deep morning voice, making butterflies in my stomach.

Me: "nothing"

Haz: "no come on, what is it"

Me: "How does this work? Do we just message each other when we're in the mood? Go to each others room?"

Haz: "it works however you want. There's no set rules Bella"

Me: "alright, I've got a meeting today with Tom I should get ready"

Haz: "alright, I need to go have a shower anyway"

I stand up pulling Haz's shirt over me and see multiple hickeys on my neck and jaw line.

Me: "fucking hell Haz"

Haz: "What?"

Me: "You didn't hold back did you? I now have to try and cove these"

Haz: "oh yeah? What am I meant to do about mine"

Me: "yeah but Tom isn't your brother he isn't going to interrogate you"

Haz: "right, I'll see you later Bella. Oh and I do want that shirt back"

Me: "fine, see you later"

I quickly jump in the shower and put on plain black trousers and a white shirt leaving the top two buttons undone. I try my best to cover the hickeys with foundation which works on the most part. I walk to the meeting room and see Tom inside already waiting.

Tom: "Morning"

Me: "Morning, I'm early"

Tom: "yeah, for once"

Me: "what's this meeting about?"

Tom: "do you not listen? It's about you becoming my underboss"

Me: "right"

Tom: "do you not want to be?"

Me: "no I do!"

Tom: "good"

The meeting goes well and I walk to the living room plopping on the sofa next to Sam. Me, Sam and Harry were VERY close we tell each other EVERYTHING especially me and Harry.

Sam: "Late night?"

Me: "don't I know it"

Sam: "oh yeah?"

Me: "yes Sam I slept with someone"

Sam: "didn't expect you to be so blunt about it but hey"

Me: "Sorry, you seen Harry?"

Sam: "practicing his aims"


'Want to go out for breakfast just us two?'

'Sure! I'll drive! Meet you by my car'

Me: "I summoned him, me and him are going out for breakfast see you later dipshit"

I walked out and sat in my Porsche that my dad got me for my 18th. I wanted to tell Harry everything, I would tell Sam but he'd end up telling Tom by accident.

Friends with benefits// Haz OsterfieldWhere stories live. Discover now