Chapter Seventeen

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"Alpha, would you like me to stay for a little bit while you freshen up." Rose asked Liam.

"No, Matt is gone to get some clothes for the twins and me. I'll shower here, I'm not leaving her." Liam expressed in a hurt tone.

The images of that night played in his head over and over again. He had just killed her brother when he saw a Vampire about to throw a wolfsbane bomb at Matt. He flew in to protect Matt but suffered more than ever. He was already weak and wolfsbane knocked him out completely, almost killing him. He woke two days after the twins were born but Jana was still unconscious. She had lost too much blood and her c-section took a lot out of her. Liam was a wreck knowing that he should've been there. He should've been stronger and smarter. He wished he had been strong enough to fight Lexi's spell and Jana's brother and team.

"I'm so sorry, Pup. I failed you multiple times. This is all my fault if I had just opened up my heart to you none of this would've happened." He cried.

"You can't change what happened but you can fix your actions." Elijah acquired.

"She loves you from the moon and back even if she's being stubborn. Her last words before she passed out was 'I love you Liam.' Your love for her has to be stronger than before. You can't let your work and thoughts take over the place of your family." Elijah advised.

"I know. I know." Liam whispered as he kissed her forehead.

The door opened the room and Bella entered the room with their daughter in her arms. She smiled before saying,

"It's time to wake her up now."

"W-what?" Liam asked.

"Your daughter isn't a wolf Alpha. She's a witch and just like her mother she has a special healing power. Watch this." Bella explained.

When their daughter laughed this golden glowing ball left from her mouth flowing to Jana. In less than seconds her eyes opened and Liam hugged her instantly as she hugged him back crying,

"Tell me you are real! Tell me we aren't dead." She cried out.

"No pup we are alive." Liam responded.

"Why did you scare me like that? I thought you were dead." She cried.

"I'm fine pup. Look, we are parents now and our babies need names." Liam said.

"Where's my son? Did he not make it?" She said as her voice cracked.

The door opened and Elijah walked in with a smile on his face. He walked over to her and placed her son in her arms. Jana stared at both of her children not knowing if the moment was really happening but if it was a dream, it was one she never wanted to leave. She placed a kiss on the top of their heads before saying,

"Arìel Luz, and William Luz"

"I like those names a lot, pup." Liam said as he placed his lips on hers.

When he broke the kiss she stared into his eyes before saying,

"One more chance Liam, just one more. I don't want the drama and stress from before. I don't want to constantly question myself. If you even put one piece of work above us we are gone and we will never come back." Jana said sternly.

"Only if Elijah is okay with this pup. I know you are my woman but Elijah is your mate. I don't want to ruin your chance of falling in love with him." Liam said.

"Dude, or you dumb?" Elijah stated.

"I sometimes don't know, Eli. How are you feeling? " Jana asked.

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