Chapter 1: Blue's Hunt

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Beginning of the story takes place when an unknown aircraft flies over the landscape, searching to exterminate the life that threatens the lands, skies, and seas. Then it flies away, done searching, for not knowing something was hiding. Then, the Hybridmorph reveals themselves, from using their camouflage, from blending to the surroundings. They are very white to blend into the sunlight and have blue stripes from their eye to their tail. Their leader, the alpha of the pack, uses its senses to sense danger. Once it's done, it calls for its pack to regroup as they continue their hunt. They find wild animals and their Leader tells them, get in their position. Two Hyrbidmorph were in their position. Blue was the female Hybrid who doesn't have quills and Swift, brother, was the male Hybrid with quills behind his head.

Swift: "Get ready for the signal, Blue. We might have a chance to catch this prey and bring it back to our nest."

Blue: "I know. And this time, I prove that I can take down this prey with one blow." As she was getting ready for the strike.

Swift: "Sis, I know you wanted to prove that you can become an alpha. But let's wait for our leader's signal. When the others strike and separate the calf from its parents, we all go after the calf and try to take it down."

Blue: "I'd rather take out the Big One."

Swift: "Taking on the Big One will be much harder. Only our big brother and sister can take care of it."

Blue: "But they're not here. Which means I can take it down."

Swift: "Don't focus on the Big One, sis. Just focus on-"

Before he could finish, he sees two Hybrids chasing the animal as they separate the calf from the family.

Swift: "Now our chance! Come on, sis!"

They began chasing after the calf. The leader communicates to them using its minds and they all chase after the calf as they surround it. Before they can gain closer to it, Swift senses and realizes Blue is not with them. And he knew she's going after the Big One.

Swift: "Blue!" As he cried and hurried after her.

The leader sees Swift not surrounding the calf as the leader calls to him, but he was not listening. Swift continued after Blue as he found her, shrieking at the Big One as she was trying to kill it.

Swift: "Blue! Get away from it! You're gonna get yourself killed!" As he cried at her.

Blue: "Don't worry, I got this!" As she told him.

She leap and cling onto the Big One and stab with her poisonous tentacle. It felt the pain and shook, as Blue fell from it. The Big One was gonna to crush her but Swift spits acid right to the Big One's left eye as it was roaring and backing away. Blue got up and both of them backed away as the Big One was furious and ready to attack them. Then they're team arrives and engages the Big One as all of them shoot their silk and spring the Big One down as it breaks free. The Leader then commands the two Hybrids to sting more venoms at the Big One as they did and it starts slowly down. The Big One was slowly dying as the Leader then killed it with a blow to the eye. The Hybrids finally kill the Big One and then sees the calf, returning to the group, which they fail to kill it and realize they kill the calf's big sister. The Leader looks at Blue, disappointed in her for failing the hunt. And the two Hybrids hisses at her, for not being good at hunting. Blue was disappointed as Swift felt sorry, she messed up.

Swift: "Don't worry, you'll get another chance." As he tries to cheer her up.

Blue: "I won't."

She walks away from him as he looks at the other Hybrids, webbing the dead Big One, and the Leader who is sensing any food somewhere. Swift then looks at Blue, not helping, and understands she has never been a more successful hunter than before.

After killing the Big One, they return to the forest, where they're kind, and bring the dead Big One and bring some leaves they had collected. They're Hybrid's kind were many with eggs, hatchlings, and strong warriors. And the big one, the Hybridmorph, are bigger and stronger with a Dilophosaurus frill and their poisonous tentacles back of their head evolve into four poisonous tentacles. Then all the other Hybrids were looking at them, knowing that Blue was with them, knowing they failed because they brought the Big One's body and not enough food to evolve to become apex predator or spawn more of their kinds. And then they see Blue and look away because she's better off from the group. Swift sees all of their brothers and sisters not wanting her to be part of their pack. Swift looks at his sister, Blue, and sees her wander off as he goes after her. And found her, sitting there and not proud of herself for failing to bring food.

Swift: "Sis, it's not your fault for failing the hunt. It's just......... an exercise. You just need to keep your minds open so we can both understand each other and our kind."

Blue: "But the only thing I wanted to prove is being the alpha again."

Swift: "I know you wanted to be the alpha, but you can't keep doing this. Being an alpha isn't about proving you can kill something big or larger. It's about working together, surviving, helping, and killing the rest of them."

Blue: "You mean, the Mutants."

Swift: "Yes, the Mutants. They are very stronger, faster, smarter, and getting through the dark. They are very dangerous and killers, for killing and eating wild animals and our kinds. But we kill and eat them, dead or alive."

Blue: "Alive or dead, they still survive and can heal themselves like us." As she looks at herself and her hands. "Even they can retract their claws, in or out." As she retracted her claws.

Swift: "But can they do this?"

He then blends into the surroundings and finally camouflages. Blue knew where he was by sensing where he was and knew.

Blue: "*Chuckle* I definitely see you there, brother."

Swift then came out from his hiding and was glad she was smiling.

Swift: "Knew you have a great heart within you."

They laugh for a bit and then Blue asks a question.

Blue: "And those machines, well, they always kept hunting us down to kill us all. But we are very good at killing and destroying them. They think they're better at hunting, we are better hunters."

Swift: "And better pack."

While they were talking, the calls came from their kind, meaning they needed to return to the nest.

Swift: "That's our call. We better head back. It's getting late. Mutants will come out at night."

Blue: "Yeah, but thanks for cheering me up."

So they head back to their kind's nest and get a shut eye. And to stay safe, because it's getting late and the Mutantmorphs will come out of the night.

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