Chapter 9: Brother's Fight

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It was midnight at the abandoned city and the Mutants were waiting for something. Blue was still cocoon and Scar-Eye was ready and he was sharpening his wrist blade.

Scar-Eye: "Once I demonstrate to every Mutant, they will know they should not be afraid of the Hybrid. And to save our kind from being extinct."

Blue: "By killing me. But still, my brother is coming for me because he cares more about me."

Scar-Eye: "That's what I'm prepared for your brother's arrival. My two Mutants are ready for him when he comes for you. Then I have two Hybrids and I'll choose to fight me in the arena."

Blue: "Hold on, what arena?"

Scar-Eye shows her and she sees the arena with every Mutant, waiting for a challenge, around.

Scar-Eye: "I love it when they want a challenge."

While every Mutant was waiting for the challenge, the two Mutants at their guarding post were guarding the Mutant's hive. Then they spotted something coming towards them. They were ready to take action until they soon recognized who it was. It was Red and he walked between them as they were surprised to see him alive. Back at the arena, Scar-Eye was ready to give a speech to all of them.

Scar-Eye: "Greetings, brothers, sisters, cousins, families, I have united all of you together to join with me to finish the war. The War between Mutants and Hybrids!"

Every Mutant agrees with him. They shrieked and wanted to see a challenge.

Male Mutantmorph: "Where is the challenge?!" Questioning Scar-Eye.

Female Mutantmorph: "Where is the Hybrid?!"

Every Mutant demands to see the Hybrid that Scar-Eye has captured. So he shows them as the two Mutants drag Blue out as the Mutants hisses. Blue sees their hatred and hunger for her blood.

Scar-Eye: "You see who she is and what her kind did to all of us, they murder our brothers, our sisters, our cousisns, and our families because we are their prey. But we are their predator and we will be the ultimate predator to devour their blood and we'll rule this world together, for the Mutants!"

All the Mutants shriek and Scar-Eye commands the Mutants to release her, which they did, and he is ready to demonstrate his gift to all of them.

Scar-Eye: "Now, I demonstrate the gift to bring the end of the Hybrids!"

His wrist bracelet activates into the wrist blade and shows everyone has their true alpha.

Scar-Eye: "And you, Hybrid, you will be the first to die by the blood of our ancestor!"

The Mutants cheered for him and Blue saw they trusted every word he said as he was ready to show how powerful he was with the wrist bracelet. Blue looked around, knowing the Mutants wanted her to die or a battle, as she prepared herself. Scar-Eye dragged his wrist blade on the ground, making it screeching, as he made his first attack. Blue dodge quickly but his blade scratches her. Blue looks at her wound, as it heals, and watches Scar-Eye tasting her blood on his blade.

Scar-Eye: "The taste of the Hybrid's blood makes me........ Hungrier."

Then his eyes change into white, hood spread wide, and jaw wide open, becoming a bloodthirsty monster. He uses his wrist blade as it changes into a wrist blaster and blasts at her. Blue dodge and quickly stabs him with her sting. But the stab didn't really hurt him very much as he slash her tentacle with his wrist blade. Blue backs away as her tentacles regenerate into new and Scar-Eye takes the tentacle out of his body and swallows it. The Mutants cheered and wanted him to tear Blue's heart out. Scar-Eye appreciates their words and then proceeds to fight. Blue continues her battle and then spits venom at him. Scar-Eye blocks it with his wings and fires a plasma blast at her. Blue dodge and swung her tentacles and made a scratch on him. Scar-Eye shrieks and uses his sting tail, swinging and attacking her. Blue dodge from his attack and she uses her wings and slash, scratches his wings. Scar-Eye's wings heal and then force stab her with his wrist blades into her chest, almost closer to her heart. She shrieks, feeling the pain, as she took it out and backed away, healing herself. Soon, all the Mutants celebrate Scar-Eye's success and want him to kill the Hybrid as an honor for the Mutant.

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