Chapter 5: Develop the Meaning

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Every week, Blue returns to the fallen tree and helps Red to swim better. Then she did sort of things to get him to understand. Blue teaches him to use every strength of his body to survive and to live. But Red always wanted to share his food with her, thinking she needed food. Which she did and returned home, having a meal to herself. Her brother, Swift, always comes back with his leader and the pack and sees Blue just relaxing in her nest. And another day, Swift tried to spy on her, where she was going, but lost sight of her when she passed the three boulders. And every day, Red finally gets the hang of the swimming part. He swims around with his flippers and reaches to the shore. Blue was happy for him, learning and reaching for the berries. And he brought them to her, for a gift, as she appreciated it. The next day, she was ready to head back to the fallen tree again as she waited for Swift and the pack to leave. When she got there, Red was enjoying swimming through the river as he spotted Blue. He swam to her and dried himself to be ready.

Red: "Anything else for me to train?" He asked.

Blue has nothing else for him to train. Even she sees the pile of fish underneath the fallen tree and believes he's almost learning to survive on his own.

Blue: "So... have you learned anything to survive?"

Red: "Well, I learn the swimming part, crossing to the shore. Catching food. And kinda learning to fly."

Blue: "Okay then, show me if you can still fly."

Red spread his wings and flapped, lifting himself off the ground, into the air.

Blue: "Good. How about higher? Like very high to the skies."

Red thought about it and told her.

Red: "I never flew before in my life. Is that the part I need to learn?"

Blue nodded, yes, as they began on the cliff. Blue shows him by flying to the air as Red does what she does. When they reach the sky, Red looks down and sees himself in the sky as he is frightened and begins to fall without flying. Blue notices it as she dives to catch them and they both fall through the forest to the ground. But the noise somehow attracted Swift, who was with the alpha's pack, as he wanted to know where it was coming from. He told his leader that he will scout something ahead as the leader lets him to scout.

Blue regains her consciousness and sees herself on top of Red with her face closer to his. And Red regains too and sees her face too. In an awkward position, Blue got off of him and was mad because they did that.

Blue: "I can't believe we did that!" As she wiped herself and tried to forget what happened. "Why did I have to save you from falling?!"

Red: "Why did you save me?"

Blue: "Does that matter to you?! I- I shouldn't-! I shouldn't have-! Why did I have to save you if you cannot fly in the sky?! I thought you were supposed to be brave enough to fly in the skies! I can't believe I did that!"

While she was freaking out, Red was trying to calm her by touching her shoulder which she snarled and frightened him as he backed away from her, terrified. And then Blue realized she hurt his feelings again.

Blue: "Red, I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

But Red was still terrified and didn't want to be closer to her anymore. Soon, Blue realized she let her anger inside and hurt him. And then she tries to make him understand she didn't mean to hurt his feelings.

Blue: "Red, I didn't mean to say those mean things to you. You see, my kind have been aggressive to each other and they've been very aggressive for food. I too was aggressive, from getting picked on by my older cousin."

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