Chapter 2: Species Encounter

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    At night, Blue and Swift were sleeping together, not sleeping closer to their kind because they still hate Blue, and Blue was having a nightmare.

She has a flashback to when she was an alpha a long time ago, leading her pack to their next hunt. When they were hunting, they were stalking a flock of wild animals. She communicates with her pack as they chase the wild animals out of their flock and then circle them around. With the wild animals out of the flock, Blue tells one of her pack to take out one of the animals, but then a strange light beam at them. With them focused on the light and the wild animals running away, Blue led her pack to escape the light until a loud frequency hurt their ears. They screeched and couldn't handle it as something shot one of them. Blue looks behind and sees a creature, two arms and two legs, coming towards them and shooting something right at them. Blue manages to escape as she continues to escape from the sound. But her pack were still behind and then were shot by the hovercraft and more drop down and kept shooting them.

Then Blue woke up and looked around. She sees her kind, and her brother Swift, was still asleep. She got up and began to walk out of the nest and through the forest. She found a lake where she can get a sip of water and think about herself. Blue sees her reflection and repeats herself, in her mind, thinking it's her fault for losing the pack and wasn't brave enough to help them. While blaming herself, she smells something familiar. She sniffed and knew who it was.

Blue: "Not as stealthy as you can think....... Mutantmorph!"

She turns around quickly and hisses as the Mutantmorph backs away, carefully. The Mutant shows itself, the black species with red stripes to their eyes down to their tail, and was looking directly at her. And it's a male with a hood.

Male Mutantmorph: "Wait? You can smell me?" Asking her.

Blue: "What do you think? I can smell you behind me. And coming here was a mistake, Mutantmorph."

Blue was ready to attack him, but the Mutant was not doing anything but stare at her.

Male Mutantmorph: "Did you call me Mutantmorph? Is that what I am?"

Blue: "Of course, that's what you're called, killers and dangerous."

The Mutant was confused and wanted to know why she called him that.

Male Mutantmorph: "I don't really understand. I just wanna know if I'm like you? Are you like me?"

And then, Blue realizes he doesn't know anything.

Blue: "Wait? Don't you know anything?" Asking him.

The Mutant shook his head and continued staring at her.

Blue: "I don't understand, you suppose to know about your kind. How your kind survives from eating everything and my kind."

Male Mutantmorph: "No. I..... I don't know anything. I thought you could be the answer to who I am. Are you a Mutantmorph too?"

Blue: "No. I'm a Hybridmorph. And what can you remember?"

The Mutant tries to remember, but no memories about himself. Blue now sees he can't remember who he was or what he is.

Blue: "You got to remember. Don't you ever be with your pack? Your kind?"

The Mutant shook his head, saying no, meaning he doesn't remember anything.

Blue: "So..... no pack?"

The mutant nodded and Blue didn't understand why he had no memories. She wanted to figure out why he couldn't remember anything.

Blue: "Mutants can't lose their memories, they can't just have a lost memorie about themselves. I don't really understand. If you can't remember, that means you just.......... someone."

Male Mutantmorph: "Well, maybe someone like you, being out here alone."

Then Blue look at him, frown, for thinking that she stupid.

Male Mutantmorph: "What?"

Blue then walks away, leaving the lake and him there. Before she can leave, she turns around and sees him just staring at her like he was gonna follow her. So Blue takes a few back away from him as the Mutant walks closer. She took another step and he walked closer. She steps another step and he walks closer more. And that's when Blue hisses at him, warning not to get closer. The Mutant backs away but still stares at her. Blue was about to leave but she looks back and sees him just standing there, feeling afraid and hiding behind the bushes. Blue realizes he won't be able to survive on his own for not knowing what to do or how to survive. She was thinking about herself of being alone and not being friends with other Hybrids. But she has her own kind and he's a Mutantmorph, meaning they are the enemy to each other. Blue then looks at the Mutant and wonders if she can kill him easily. She wanted to prove to her kind that she can do it and become an alpha again. But couldn't think about herself. Thinking that maybe he can learn things from her. Learning to help the Hybrids but not letting them know about him, he's a Mutantmorph. So Blue went back and asked him.

Blue: "Do you wanna come with me?" Asking him.

The Mutant wondered and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Male Mutantmorph: "I think I could. If it's okay for you."

Blue nodded and he joined her. Together, they walked back to her nest and she asked him.

Blue: "Do you have a name?"

Male Mutantmorph: "Not really sure I have a name."

Blue: "Well, I think I could give you a name. Your name will be, "Red."

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