Chapter 3: How to Learn and Hunt

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The next day, Blue woke up from her sleep and saw herself next to her brother, Swift, and back to the nest. She then looks around and sees other Hybrids walking around and still continuing their hunt. Blue walks around and sees the big Hybrids were ready to go on a hunt. And her Leader was getting the packs ready. Then two Hybrids came between her and bumped her shoulder, moving her away. Blue gets upset and Swift calms her down.

Swift: "Easy, sis, don't get into a fight. We, Hybrids, must survive by finding and hunting for food somewhere. Even the Mutants might have found food already."

Blue: "I think so. But do you ever think what will happen if you encounter one?"

Swift: "Remember what our kind told us, when you encounter one of them, kill them. If they're too powerful, we need a whole pack to become one as strong."

Blue: "Right. Well, I just hope we don't encounter one of them."

Swift was confused why they never encounter one of them until their Leader calls them to unite into a pack. They were about to unite when the Leader hisses at Blue, telling her that she can't come with them anymore after failing the hunt. Blue wants to join in but the Leader still keeps telling her she's no longer part of the pack. So Blue stays as the Leader leads its pack to another hunt and Swift feels sorry she can't join the hunt, but must follow his alpha. Blue walks back to her nest and sees Hybrids who are little as snakes and others who have legs to walk. But she did not stay near the nest and sneak off. Blue walked through the forest, passed the three boulders, crossed the river flows, and made it to the fallen tree. There, she found Red, who was sleeping quietly. Blue quietly walks closer to him and sees he's asleep still. She looks at the river and sees how beautiful it was when the river flows, making a calm sound. As she stared at the river, Red was awake and wondering what she's looking at.

Red: "What are you looking at?"

Blue looks at him, staring.

Blue: "Listening to the river. I always come here and listen, it sounds more beautiful when it's peaceful."

Red listens to what she's hearing and hears the river flowing.

Red: "I hear...... a sound."

Blue: "Well, maybe the sound but what does it sound like?"

Red listens closely to the river flows.

Red: "I can't even describe that sound. I wish I knew a lot."

He felt sad and couldn't think of anything to say. Blue though maybe he just needs to relax and try to find his past. But she wasn't supposed to help Mutants because Hybrids do not like them. And she can't help him find out who he was, even if she brings him to her kind and they will kill him. So she began to help him.

Blue: "So.... Do you feel anything?"

Red: "Not really, I don't feel what you say."

Blue: "Hmm, maybe if I can help you feel anything, you might learn something that I can do."

Red: "You really think so?"

Blue: "Well, as long as you listen."

Red: "But do you always leave me here everytime you go back somewhere?"

Blue: "Do not worry, I promise I will come back for you. And we can be something."

Red: "Something?"

Blue: "Yeah, something like....... Friend."

Red: "Friend? What does it mean?"

Blue: "Well, it's like when you became someone...... great team and..... Someone allied. It doesn't matter. We can start training and do exactly what I do. First, we start by using your senses. See if you can smell anything far away. Now watch me."

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