Chapter 6: Mutant's reunited

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Blue and Swift, now knowing the secret, guide Red to be a good hunter. Blue gives a command and Swift and Red follow. They waited for the calf, in the group of the animal, to wander off and be left alone. Blue commands the ambush as they surround the little calf. With nowhere to run, Blue strikes quickly with her sting tentacle and the calf begins to faint by the poison. And then the Big One came to see the calf was dead. But Blue, Swift, and Red then take one the Big One, together. Soon, they finally have a meal together. Blue and Swift stay with Red for a bit and head back to the Hybrid's nest. None of the Hybrids didn't care about them and never knew what they're hiding. But Glacies, she knew Blue is hiding something from every Hybrids. So she follows them, camouflages, and listens to what they're saying.

Swift: "Can't believe we took down the Big One. Did you see me using my silk web to bring it down?" Telling Blue.

Blue: "Huh? Oh, yeah! You did great, Swift. Our first time taking it down. That proves something about me."

Swift: "I know what you're thinking." As he knew what she's talking about. "Becoming an alpha again."

Blue: "Of course it is, which means I can still be an alpha again. All I just need is to prove myself to the Hybrid-King and Queen about my leadership. And they will make me an alpha and a new pack."

Swift: "But are you sure they will agree with it?"

Blue: "They will. Because I finally learned to take down the Big One, thanks to Red."

Swift: "Well, you've been training him every week. I bet he learns more from you than you learn from him."

Blue: "What do you mean?"

Swift: "Ever since you weren't an alpha no more, you train Red and then he made you his leader."

Blue: "Well, of course. He's been listening to me every time. It feels like he's.... He's been there for me, changing my life."

Swift thinks what she says and thinks maybe Red is changing her life. But more curious about how he can't remember his memories.

Swift: "Blue, did he tell you anything about how he can't remember his past?"

Blue: "Now you think about that, I didn't ask him about his past. I was more focused on training him."

Swift: "Well, maybe you can ask him, tomorrow."

Blue: "Okay, I can ask him tomorrow. I'm just glad my day is getting better."

As they left, Glacies made a grin and headed to the Hybrid's throne nest to see the Hybrid-King and Queen. After telling them, they don't believe it.

Hybrid-Queen: "That's impossible. How can Blue be with someone whose name is Red?"

Glacies: "That's what I heard. She and Swift are meeting someone named Red. But she is training him. What should we do?"

The Hybrid-Queen and King look at each other, thinking, and agree with something.

Hybrid-King: "There's something you and your kind can do, follow them. Find out more about this Red so we can see why she is training him."

Glacies understand them and she has a plan to find out more tomorrow.

That night on the other side of the forest, the wild animals were in a quiet place, enjoying their meal of grass. While eating, they heard a broken branch and looked around. It was total silence until one animal was snatched out from the group. All the animals stampede to get away but some of them were snatched and killed. And some were caught in a giant web and killed. After being hunted, some of them are still alive but kill straight to the eye and die. And that sharp tail came from the Mutant's alpha with a scar on its left eye. And he was the same size as his brother and sister. Then one of them asked.

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