Chapter 10: Life does Find its Way

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    Swift, still alive and well, looks for them by finding their scent as he stumbles across a wreckage building and sees a Mutant's tail underneath a large metal plate. He moves it to the side and finds Red, landing on his backside, and Blue, tuckle in his wings.

Swift: "Sis!" As he cried.

Blue awakens from her unconsciousness and sees herself saved by Red but to her horrified seeing him there, not moving.

Blue: "Red!"

She sobs at his body and Swift feels sorry just as Red awakens from his unconscious and Blue was happy he's alive and Swift was relieved too.

Blue: "Red!"

She nuzzles his body and it starts to hurt him, from landing on his backside.

Blue: "Oh, sorry."

Red: "Still hurts." As he straightens his fracture bones, healing.

While healing his own injury, Blue realizes he came back to save her from death.

Blue: "You... came back for me? Because you care about me?"

Red: "I do. Because.... I can't live without you. And...... I like you."

With Blue's surprise, she never knew a Mutant would fall in love. And now, she loves him more. Soon, with both of them finding love together, they share a big and passionate kiss together, revealing their love. Swift smiles, seeing his sister finding love, until he gets frightened. A large machine appears from the aircraft's crash and begans targeting them. Swift hisses at it and begans protecting them until the machine stops and falls to the ground, revealing a male Mutant killing it to the head. They pause as a Mutant took its tail out of the machines and did not engage them. Then they hear the Mutant's call as the male Mutant spoke to them.

Mutantmorph: "Leave at once, they will find you and kill you all. All the Mutants are now returning to their own packs and to their home, with Scar-Eye dead. I will not let them know you're alive because you, Red, are different from us. A machine did not attack or shoot you. That's why I'm letting all escape. To keep him outta sight. So leave, run as far away as possible, friend."

With them understanding, they leave and Swift thanks him.

Swift: "Thank you, friend."

And they left the city while the male Mutant stayed, reunited with his own pack, and did not mention what he found.

    Swift, Blue, and Red reached the lake and they were glad to be alive. And Swift was relieved they made it out.

Swift: "*Whew* I can't believe we made it! Haha." As he kisses the ground then spits them out.

He was gonna ask his sister but saw her with Red. She and Red were near the lake, looking at their own reflection, as she leaned on him.

Blue: "Do you feel anything when I lean on you?"

Red: "I do, feels like I have love from you. I never felt anything like it. Do you?"

Blue thinks as she feels her own heart beating like she loves him too.

Blue: "I do. I just wonder how you evolve your feelings with me instead of your memories."

Red: "Wish I knew, but there's something else you should know what I have learned a long time ago."

Blue listens as he shows her the left side of his neck. When she looks closely, she sees a number six. And she questioned him about what it meant.

Blue: "Do you.... Do you know what it means?"

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