Chapter 8: Truth and Secret

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Red regains his consciousness and finds himself cocoon to the wall. He looks around and sees Hybrids, eating flesh and plants, and other little Hybrids who are hungry and drooling because he's gonna be the next meal. But then they stopped as the other adult Hybrids came, with their tentacles ready, carefully cut his skin and taste the blood. Red sees himself being torture and the Hybrids wants more blood because of the smell right before Glacies, showing nowhere, commands them as they leave.

Glacies: "Pain, blood, and death, to taste for ours to survive." As she slowly uses her claw, cuts Red's skin, and tastes it. "Blood makes us strong, blood makes us alive, blood makes us survive. But you, you will be the feast for our kind to survive."

Red: "Where...." As he looks around. "Where's Blue?"

Glacies: "The treachery? Oh, she ran away, as a coward."

Red: "No, she wouldn't."

Glacies: "Oh, yes, she did. She betrayed us by working with you. Such a shame she ran away, leaving you here to be fed. The Hybrids are gonna enjoy eating your flesh and bones until they leave you nothing."

Red looks and sees the small Hybrids, hungry, and wants his blood, flesh, and bones.

Glacies: "Don't worry, someone will also join in to be feasted."

With Glacies showing him, her gang brings Swift and puts him aside next to Red.

Red: "Swift?!"

Glacies: "He's also helping his sister to train you. Which made him a traitor for keeping the secret."

Swift: "I am not a traitor! For the last time!"

Glacies: "A traitor to keeping a secret about having a Mutant somewhere hidden. Both of you will be here when our King and Queen give orders to us of what to do with you two. And we both know what they choose, "Eaten Alive."

That when Swift was terrified and Red wasn't as he tried to talk them out.

Red: "Hold on! Eat us alive? But we didn't hurt anyone!"

Glacies: "But you aren't like us. You are different, an enemy, a stranger, and nothing to us. We, Hybrids, do not like Mutants. Once this is over, we will go to war and kill every Mutant so our other kinds can exist and live in this world. And both of you will never get to see it happen, ever."

Then she walks away, leaving Red and Swift alone. And Swift was upset and blamed Red for everything.

Swift: "You know this was your fault. You brought this to my sister and me and now, we are gonna get eaten by every Hybrids, who are hungry. And my sister is out there, hiding because they think she betray them and-"

As he looked at Red, he wasn't listening but in his own mind.

Swift: "Hey! Listen! My sister is out there and we are stuck here, gonna be eaten by-"

But Red wasn't paying attention to his words.

Swift: "Red!" As he yelled.

Swift got his attention as Red looked at him.

Swift: "Are you listening?"

Red: "Sorry, I was... thinking if you have a plan to get us out."

Swift: "Why asking me? I don't have any plans. I'm worried about getting eaten alive. These small Hybrids are hungry to chew inside out of us."

Red: "Then try to tell them we are not food."

Swift: "Tell them? Are you dumb? We don't convince our kind to stop or not to do so. They do what it takes to succeed. And Hybrids don't convince themselves about anything. We do what we want."

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