Chapter 4: What color is yours?

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The next morning, Blue was gonna return to Red until Swift asked her where she was going.

Swift: "Sis, where are you going?"

Blue: "I'm.... gonna to scout something. Just to find something else for me to do."

Swift: "Well do that later, the King and Queen want you for something. And it's something that they wanted to know."

Blue heads to the Hybrid's throne nest and sees the Hybrid-King and Queen, waiting for her.

Hybrid-Queen: "Blue." As he recalled her name.

Blue bow to them and rise.

Blue: "Is something I did wrong during the hunt?"

Hybrid-King: "Yes, you did. You have to follow your alpha, Blue. Every Hybrid must listen to their leader. Even you could have kill yourself."

Blue: "I know, I only just wanna-"

Hybrid-Queen: "Be an alpha again. But you can't be anymore."

Blue: "Is it because I lost our kind from those machines? I was trying my best to defend ourselves."

Hybrid-King: "Machines are very superior. They exterminate any species, like us and the Mutants. And Mutants are very dangerous to face. They are deadly and killers. What we must not do is never fail the hunt. If the Mutants outnumber us, we will be dead and our entire race will be extinct. Do you understand?"

Blue understands as she agrees to his term. But she's more worried about what he says about Mutants.

Blue: "Your majesty, do you think what if any species lost their memories and can't remember who they are, like Mutants."

And they got the Hybrid-Queen and King confused.

Hybrid-Queen: "Every Species don't lose its memories, Blue. Including the Mutants because they're mind has the ability to remember who they are. No Species will ever lose their memories because of something that got them to forget everything. And they will never be tame or controlled, because they don't have anything that can forgive us after what we did to them."

Blue thinks about it and believes they were wrong because Red doesn't remember anything that happened. So she agreed with their words and left the nest. But she was heading to the fallen tree while sneaking past the other Hybrids, who were battling each other to see who's the best Hybrids.

When Blue arrives at the fallen tree, she sees a pile of dead fish and notices Red wasn't around. She looked for him and found him, near the river. She camouflaged herself and watched to see what he was doing. Red was staring at the river just not moving or even not taking his eyes off from something. And then he made a strike to the water and caught a fish. Blue was surprised that he started to learn. She was impressed how he did and she came out from her camouflage and Red was surprised she was here.

Red: "You came." While holding the fish in his mouth.

Blue: "Yeah, and nice catch by the way."

Red thanked her for that compliment. Blue started to see he's been learning to catch fish and to think he's surviving.

Blue: "So Red, are you learning to survive on your own?" She asked.

Red: "Well actually, I was catching these fish for you."

Then Blue was surprised by what he just said.

Blue: "For me?"

Red: "I thought maybe you need food. So I was trying to catch fish every single time but they kept slipping out of my mouth. But what I learned was that standing still was the easy way to catch them. So I stood still and struck right at them, catching a fish in my mouth. And I spent more time catching them so that you won't have to starve."

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