Chapter 1

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So this my first fanfic so i apologize if it's bad anyway lets start the story

No one's POV:

It was a normal day in the class 1a dorms also known as heights alliance everyone was being themselfs Iida doing his usual handchops,todoroki eating soba,bakugo screaming while playing videogames with sero and kaminari,mineta being mineta all and all a normal day.But what no one except a certain black haired vice president noticed was the absence of a certain green haired boy

Momo:Has anyone seen midoriya?

Uraraka:Now that you mention it i haven't seen him

Todoroki:He must be training or something

Tsuyu:Yeah probably but he never trains this late *kero*

Momo:He is been acting weird for the past few days

Note:Italic-thinking or thoughts

Uraraka:Do you think he is alright?

Kaminari:He is gonna be alright its midoriya afterall

Momo,Uraraka,Tsuyu,Todoroki:Where did he come from?!

Tsuyu:Because it's midoriya is the reason we are worried*kero*

Iida:If he doesn't come to the dorms before curfew i will inform aizawa sensei

Todoroki:Don't worry he will come...maybe

Momo:Yeah...he will.Why am i so worried about him?

Meanwhile with the brocoli:
We can see our green haired protagonist laying down in the grass of a forest that is near the dorms

Izuku:Ugh...i'm so tired.I should head back to the dorms it's getting late

Izuku got up and started heading back to the dorms on the way there he started remembering everything that happened on the raid eri,mirio loosing his quirk and sir nighteye's death that's the thing he remembers the most,ever since that happened he's felt guilt and has felt weak in fact that's the whole reason he's been training nonstop to the point of exhaustion.He wants to improve so he can be the best hero and save everyone

Izuku:Everyone must be worried about me...well except kacchan of course hehe,*sigh* i need to keep training so i can protect everyone,good thing i manage to control 18% of ofa without breaking my bones(A/N:He can use 20% aswell but his body will start to ache) i need to tell All Might about it but i will do it tomorrow im to tired for this

He kept walking and walking until he finally reached the dorms,he entered and was met with all his classmates in the common room some of them with worried faces and the others were just minding their own business

Izuku:Hi guys

Iida:Midoriya where were you?!

Izuku:Ah! i was training Iida don't worry about me it's just that i lost track of time that's all

A/N:Forgot to say he doesn't stutter anymore

Uraraka:Thank kami(God for those who don't know),we were so worried Iida was about to tell aizawa sensei

Izuku:Sorry for worrying you,i wish i could talk with you guys more but i'm going to my room since i'm pretty tired bye

All:Bye Midoriya/Deku

Momo:Of course he is tired he's been training nonstop for days,he's expresion changed he looks tense and like something is bothering him...hmm i will give him some tea and maybe talk to him a little maybe that way i can know what's wrong with him.Yeah i will do that

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