Chapter 12

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No one's POV:

We see izuku and momo infront of inko who just woke up and all might who brought her some water

Inko:Toshi why didn't you tell me my baby had a girlfriend?

Am:I uhhh...forgot heh no i didn't i just wanted him to give you the news

Izuku:We have been dating for weeks i was gonna tell you when we came back from the trip but here i am

Inko:I'm so happy for you son



Izuku:I wanna know something


Izuku:How long have you two been a thing?

Inko:Uh w-well um

Am:We have been a thing since before you started your work studies

Izuku:So while i was fighting overhaul and saving eri and almost died,you two were here doing god knows what


Izuku:Listen i'm not mad that you two are together but you could have told me you know, died a couple years ago so i think is fair that she found the happiness she needed after he died,but i just want to say something to you all might

Am:Yes young midoriya?

Izuku:Please take care of her and if you hurt her in anyway i don't care if you're my mentor or the former number one hero i will find you and i will hurt you got it?!

Am:Y-yes s-son-i mean young midoriya

Izuku:Good...let's eat i'm hungry

They all sat down and started eating dinner they talked and laughed the whole time,now it was nighttime and we see our favorite couple in izuku's room izuku had fell asleep on his bed while momo was still awake sitting on a chair reading one of izuku's notebooks

Momo:This is pretty amazing well it does make him look like a stalker but no matter this has detailed info about everyone's quirks like seriously*looks at mt.ladies page*hmm?*reads it*so you think she's sexy huh,i'm gonna have a talk with you mister

(Fun fact he actually wrote that mt.lady was sexy)

After she finished reading the notebook she was about to put it back she saw something that caught her attention it was another notebook but this one was different this was indeed the death note

Momo:What the?

Take 2

This wasn't a notebook about heroes and quirks like the other ones no this one was actually izuku's diary yes lady's and gentlemen izuku has a diary momo was about to read it until


Momo:Ah! Izuku you scared me

Izuku:Sorry*rubs his eyes*what are you doing?

Momo:Oh well i just finished reading one of your hero notebooks and i was putting it back,i hope you don't mind

Izuku:I don't mind it but can you please come to bed it's late


She got up and went to izuku's side she cuddled him and they fell asleep

She got up and went to izuku's side she cuddled him and they fell asleep

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Timeskip to morning:

Inko:Are you sure you have everything packed?

Izuku:Yes mom i have everything i need...i think


Izuku:What is taking momo so long?

Am:Who knows?

Izuku:I...totally forgot you were here

Allmight heard that and went to a corner making circles on the wall with a depressed aura while talking about broccoli's not respecting step father's

Izuku:I think i hurt him

Inko:You think?!

Meanwhile with momo:

Momo:I have everything packed but the problem is some of my stuff is still in the dorms*sigh*i'm gonna tell kyouka to bring them for me-no she's probably busy with her stuff so i better not bother her,maybe i can call one of my driver's to pick it up yeah that sounds grea-

Knock knock

Izuku:Momo are you done?

Momo:Yeah but i have some of my stuff at the dorms and-

Izuku:Oh don't worry we will go pick them up*smiles*

Momo:That smile that damned smile Ok*smiles*

Izuku:I will be waiting downstairs

Momo:Ok love you

Izuku:*smiles*I love you too

Izuku closed the door and left momo sighed and looked around the room specifically izuku's desk,she got up and approached it and there it was izuku's diary the same book she almost read if it wasn't for izuku

Momo:Should i? But what if he hates me for taking it?

She really wanted to take the book with her and read it but she didn't want izuku to get mad at her and probably break up with her...ok maybe she's exaggerating a little bit but still

Momo:He won't get mad if he doesn't know right?*takes the diary and puts it in a backpack*

She goes downstairs and meets with izuku they say goodbye to inko and izuku's soon to be step father all might,they both took the train and went  to the dorms to get the rest of momo's stuff

Meanwhile elsewhere:

Nezu:Are you sure you want to do this?

???:Yes sir i feel like something bad is gonna happen and it involves him

Nezu:*sigh*Fine i will tell aizawa you're going to tokyo aswell of course you will have to keep yourself hidden until time seems fit

???:Thanks nezu and don't worry i will*leaves*

Nezu:I hope you're right about this

With class 1a:

We see the class on the gate of ua waiting for their homeroom teacher to arrive some of them can be seen with sleepy eyes and others are as cheerful as ever cough mina cough

Izuku:I'm kind of nervous


Izuku:I don't know i feel like something's gonna happen

Jirou:Pfff relax mophead it's not like we will have to face a villain on our trip I hope not

Izuku:Yeah maybe i'm just exaggerating


In tokyo:

???:Ah here we are

Shigaraki:Finally where's the bathroom i wanna pee*sees toga*what the hell's up with you

Toga:*daydreaming*Izuku-kun~ hehehe don't touch me there naughty boy oh i do want your babies hehehe

???:Alright let's get started

And done heh i totally didn't forget to update this story haha ahem yeah next chapter is gonna be the start of the chaos so stay tuned for that they might be longer than this chapters have been for the fact that there will be a lot of fighting so i will try to make them as soon as possible of course i have to focus on my other stoties aswell but anyways with that said


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