Chapter 20

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No one's POV:

Izuku:Ok izuku just calm down be a man and tell her

Izuku and momo get inside the house and see inko in the couch watching tv with a cup of coffee in her hand

Izuku:Hello mom

Inko:Izuku*stands up and goes to hug him*

Momo:Hello ms midoriya

Inko:Momo*hugs her*call me inko ok?


Inko:So what are you doing here?

Izuku:We came to...visit yeah visit

Momo:*looks at him*

Izuku:Is there any food im kind of hungry

Inko:Yeah i think there's some leftovers in the kitchen

Izuku:Ok thanks*goes to the kitchen*

Momo follows him and sees him leaning on the counter looking at the ceiling


Izuku:I-i can't do this momo i can't

Momo:I know it's not easy for you izuku but you have to do this,it's for your own good

Izuku:I know i know it's just...she seems happier now and telling her this i just don't know

Momo:We can try again some other time when you feel ready

Izuku:No no no we came here so i could tell her evetything so that's what im going to do

Inko:Tell me what?

Momo and izuku's eyes widen they turn around and see inko standing there looking at them


Inko:Tell me what izuku?

Izuku looks at momo and she nods at him with a little smile he looks back to his mother

Izuku:*sigh*Let's go to the living room

They go back to the living room and sit down on the couch

A.izuku:Hey,you can do this

Izuku:It's been a while since you've talked

A.izuku:Yeah i know

Izuku:*sigh*Mom what im about to tell you it's...tough to say the least,i know it's not going to be easy for you and trust me when i tell you it's not easy for me either

Inko:Izuku you're scaring me

Izuku:Ok,remember all the times that i use to come back with bruises and all of that?

Inko:Yeah i remember you said that you fell or other stuff happened

Izuku:Yeah well i think it's time that i tell you the truth

Inko:The truth?

Izuku:I used to be bullied a lot that's the reason for all those bruises and i lied to you because i didn't want you to think that it was your fault for giving birth to a quirkless kid like me


Izuku:Yeah all thanks to ka-no bakugo who was my main tormentor for all those years he's the one that started it all and the others just followed his lead*sigh*i couldn't bring myself to do anything,all because i still considered him my friend also because nobody would believe me.It gets worse i reached a point where i didn't care anymore the point where i tried to end it all

Inko's eyes widen in shock she looks at momo who has a sad expression

Izuku:I just thought that i would follow his advice and everything would be better without me and you wouldn't have to deal with the fact that you gave birth to a quirkless loser like me but i guess i didn't actually thought about the consequences back then,i felt something tell me not to do it and i didn't do it as you can see which is a good thing i guess...destiny had better plans for me and look at me now i have a quirk i made it to ua i have friends and a beatiful girlfriend who i love a lot*smiles*i guess something good came out of that darkness

Izuku looks at inko and sees her with tears in her eyes she suddenly gets up and looks at both of them

Inko:*sniff*I think i need some time alone

Izuku:Take as long as you need mom

She leaves to her room while izuku and momo stay in the living room momo sits next to izuku and grabs his hand

Momo:How do you feel?

Izuku:A little bit better honestly,it was good getting that off my chest but i feel bad for mom

Momo:I know but she will be alright she just needs some time to process all of this new information


A.Izuku:You did good

Izuku:How did it go for you?

A.Izuku:I actually never told my mother the truth



Izuku:Hmm? Yeah?

Momo:Do you want to stay the night here? So i can call aizawa sensei and tell him

Izuku:Yeah i think we should stay just in case

Momo:Good then i will inform aizawa sensei

Izuku:You do that there's still many things that need to be done

Somewhere else:


???:Yes kurogiri?

Kurogiri:I was tasked by all for one to look for our big friend should i proceed with this task?

???:Sure we will need gigantomachia for the near future but that will be in case i fail some way

Kurogiri:I understand but i do have one question sir

???:Ask away

Kurogiri:You have never told us your name why is that sir?

???:Hmm i guess you're right about that and i think is time that i introduce myself

???:Hmm i guess you're right about that and i think is time that i introduce myself

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???:My name is kenzou Nakamura but you can call me....Mayhem*smirks*

And chapter done i tried my best with this chapter honestly it's short but hey something important we finally know the name of the mystery person and how he looks like sorry if you're dissapointed about it,but i wanted an oc to be a big villain in this story also bakugos redemption starts next chapter i removed his scene from this chapter anyway with that said


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