Chapter 19

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No one's POV:

It's a brand new day and we see momo waking up she yawns stretches and gets up she goes to the bathroom and brushes her teeth she was going to start looking around for izuku but the door opens and inside comes the man she's looking for with a tray in hand

Izuku:Good morning beautiful

Momo:Good*yawn*morning izuku*sees the tray*what's that?

Izuku:I was making breakfast and decided to bring it to you

Momo:*smiles*How sweet of you*sits on the bed*

He gives her the tray so she starts eating he sits on the bed and looks at her

Izuku:Umm about last night

Momo:Izuku it's ok no need to apologize for that

Izuku:But i-

Momo:No no no stop enough about that,that's already in the past and you should focus on the present

Izuku:Yeah you're right

Momo:Izuku when i said i was going to help you get through this i meant it

Izuku:I know you did but i don't know where to start

Momo:That's easy let's start with your mother


Everyone is already awake and they are hanging out in the common room

Kaminari:And that's why i was not allowed to do chemistry at school

Kyoka:You really are a dumbass

Iida:Kaminari that was dangerous what were you thinking?!

Kaminari:It was for science iida!!

Kirishima:Bro science almost killed you

Izuku chuckles and shakes his head at the conversation he turns to see momo who gives him a note saying she was going to get something in her room he nods at her and she leaves.After some time she starts to head back to the common room but she's stopped by a voice


She knows who that voice belongs to and to be honest she really didn't want to deal with that person right now but here he is so she takes a deep breath and turns around with a glare

Momo:What do you want bakugo?

Bakugo:Tell deku to meet me outside i need to talk to him


Bakugo:Huh?! What do you mean no

Momo:No i will not let him get near you

Bakugo:Now listen here ponytail

Momo:No you listen to me bakugo after all you did to him you're lucky to be here

Bakugo:He told you

Momo:No i found out for myself,all the stuff he went through insults,beatings everything,it was because of you bakugo


Momo:Do you know how he felt how much he suffered he considered you his brother you were supposed to be there for him and become heroes together but no he turned out to be quirkless and you threw him aside like trash just like everyone else did not only that but you tortured him for years and even told him to kill himself which he almost did

Bakugo's eyes widen at he looks surprised at momo

Momo:Why so surprised you were the one who told him to do it,but you think all is fine because of the way he acts then that's not true the izuku you see now is just a facade behind this facade is the same broken quirkless boy that you created

Momo stares at bakugo with tears forming on the corners of her eyes she tries her hardest not to cry she searches her bag and grabs izukus notebook and looks at bakugo again

Momo:If you don't believe me*shoves the notebook on bakugos chest*then see it for yourself

She leaves and bakugo remains silent he stares at the notebook in his hands to say he wasn't interested on what's written in there would be a lie he does want to see what was inside he doesn't want to believe everything that momo said but what if it's true that is something he will have to find out later he sighs and leaves to his room

With momo:

She gets out of the elevator and starts walking towards the common room only to see izuku in front of her with a worried expression

Izuku:Momo are you ok?

Momo:Y-yeah why wouldn't i be?

Izuku:It's just that you look angry and your eyes are red

Momo:I just*sigh*i just had a little meeting with bakugo

Izuku:Really did he-

Momo:No nothing happened we just talked well i did all the talking bur it's nothing to worry about*smiles*

Izuku:If you say so*kisses her*

Momo:*kisses back*


They separate and look where the sound came from only to see jiro standing there eating chips looking at them


Izuku:How long have you been standing there?

Jirou:An hour

Izuku:An hour? Ok that's impo-

Jirou:I have mastered the ability...of standing so incredibly still...that i become invisible to the

She starts to slowly put the chip on her mouth

Izuku:What is even happening?

Jirou:But my so slow...that is imperceptable


Jirou:Im sure im invisi-

Kaminari:Yo jirou!!!

Jirou:Damn it!!

She leaves and momo and izuku look at eachother trying to process what just happened

Izuku:That girl gets crazier everyday


Izuku:Ehhh shall we leave?

Momo:Yeah sure let's go

Sometime later:

Izuku and momo are now standing infront of izuku's place he looks at momo and momo grabs his hand and smiles

Momo:You ready?

Izuku:Of course...not im totally not ready i mean how am i suppose to go in there and say "hi mom we need to talk so i used to be bullied and i almost killed myself" is not easy

Momo:Izuku relax everything will be ok this is necessary ans i wiil be there if you need me*smiles*

Izuku:Yeah ok*sigh*well here goes nothing

And done this story returns after such a long time yay a short chapter but an important one since this is where bakugos path to redemption starts and of course we will have inko and izuku' in the next chapter and i guess you have been wondering who the hell is this ??? person since the early chapters well he's an oc i created for this story and is basically the main villain as for his will ve revealed next chapter so stay tuned with that said


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